New York Libertarian Primary 2020

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The New York Libertarian Primary occurred on June 23, 2020.

27th Congressional District

Candidate Votes
Duane J. Whitmer 123
Nick Phelps 38
Blank 11
Write-In 2

6th Senate District

Candidate Votes
Jonathan Gunther 15
Dennis Dunne 5
Write-In 2

8th Judicial District, State Committee

Candidate Allegany Cattaraugus Chautauqua Erie Genesee Niagara Orleans Wyoming Total Votes
Duane Whitmer 2 10 34 117 21 31 12 15 242
Erin Becker 2 7 32 109 15 32 8 12 217
Peyton Kunselman 2 11 35 80 11 27 7 8 181
Nick Phelps 1 6 7 77 21 46 8 12 178
Tara Scrivano 1 2 5 93 15 39 9 11 175
Kathleen Ligammari 1 3 7 90 15 40 6 11 173
Francis Law 1 7 11 89 16 31 6 10 171
Andrew Kolstee 2 10 35 73 10 22 7 5 164
Patrick Mahoney 1 5 6 79 13 41 7 12 164
Len Morlock 2 9 39 69 10 25 6 8 161
Gerrit Cain 2 6 32 74 11 17 7 10 159
Charlie Flynn 1 4 5 82 18 36 3 7 156
Adam Allen 2 6 27 68 13 18 6 13 153
Scott Flynn 0 6 3 77 15 26 5 9 151
Mark Potwora 1 5 6 52 24 18 4 8 118
Bryan Owczarzak 0 3 0 58 10 28 6 11 116
Blank 24 12 45 276 103 105 28 36 629
Void 0 3 0 9 1 0 0 0 13
Scattering 0 2 2 12 0 2 0 0 18
Total 3,339

10th Judicial District, State Committee

Candidate Nassau Suffolk Votes
Carmen Horan 110 50 160
Satinder Kaur 110 43 153
Mahavir Singh 106 43 149
Deepak Bansal 106 42 148
Bobby K. Kalotee 103 35 138
Kenneth Epstein 101 32 133
Gary Donoyan 62 64 126
Mike McDermott 61 64 125
Jonathan Gunther 66 57 123
Kevin Warmhold 54 65 119
Jim Harris 55 63 117
Adam Martin 56 58 114
Blay Tarnoff 52 59 111
Blank 127 100 227
Void 0 21 21
Scattering 98 3 101
Total 2,065

Libertarian Party of New York
Affiliates: ChautauquaChemungColumbiaDutchessErieKings (Brooklyn)MadisonMonroeNassauNew York (Manhattan)OneidaOnondagaOrangeQueensPutnamRichmond (Staten Island)SaratogaSchoharieSuffolkTiogaUlsterWayneYates
Unorganized Affiliates: AlbanyAlleganyBronxBroomeCattaraugusCayugaChenangoClintonCortlandDelawareEssexFranklinFultonGeneseeGreeneHamiltonHerkimerLewisLivingstonMontgomeryJeffersonNiagaraOntarioOrleansOtsegoRensselaerRocklandSt. LawrenceSchenectadySteubenSullivanWarrenWashingtonWestchesterWyoming
Former Affiliates: Active: Capital DistrictHudson ValleyDefunct: Brooklyn-QueensBuffaloCentral New YorkErie-NiagaraGenesee RegionIthacaMid HudsonNew York CityNorth County LibertariansSouthern TierWestchester-PutnamWestern New York
Conventions: 1973197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202022 Nominating20222024 Nominating2024
Candidates: By year (196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025) • U.S. HouseState Assembly
State Committees: 1972-731973-741974-751975-761976-771977-781978-791979-801980-811981-821982-831983-841984-851985-861986-871987-881988-891989-901990-911991-921992-931993-941994-951995-961996-971997-981998-991999-20002000-012001-022002-032003-042004-052005-062006-072007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-19Transition (2019)Interim State Committee (2019-20)2019-202020-222022-242024-26
Committees: CommunicationsDelegate SelectionFundraisingITLegislative AffairsLocal Affiliate DevelopmentPetitioningPlatformRules
Former Committees: Clipping ServiceConventionElection Law & ProceduresHistoricalJudiciaryLibrarianMedia RelationsMembershipOperations & ActivitiesOrganizational StructureParty CommunicationsPublicity & Editorial ReplySpeake's BureauStrategic PlanningVacancyVettingVolunteer
Documents: BylawsEmailsMeetingsFinancial ReportsNewslettersPlatformsPress Releases
Indexes/Categories: CampaignsCourt cases
Local Conventions: 2014201520162017201820192020-212022-232024-25
National Delegations: 197419761981198720162018202020222024
Electors: 1976198019841988199219962000200420082012201620202024
Positions: ChairsVice-ChairsSecretariesTreasurersCommunications DirectorsFundraising DirectorsIT DirectorsLegislative Affairs DirectorsOutreach DirectorsPolitical DirectorsVolunteer Directors
Other: Libertarian Advocates of New YorkLocal ChairsSize and Influence • State Committee Elections: 202020222024Organization