Libertarian Party of New York State Committee (1995-1996)

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Libertarian Party of New York State Committee
Term Start: April 30, 1995
Term End: April 27, 1996
Chair: Blay Tarnoff
Parent: Libertarian Party of New York
1994-1995 1996-1997

The Libertarian Party of New York State Committee for 1995—1996.

Officers and At-Large Members

Position Name Term Start Term End
Chair Blay Tarnoff April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
Vice-Chair Dottie-Lou Brokaw April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
Vice-Chair Jim Harris April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
Secretary Lloyd Wright April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
Treasurer Audrey Capozzi April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
At-Large Christopher Garvey April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
At-Large Bob Goodman April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
At-Large Eric Gruber April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
At-Large David Harnett April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996
At-Large Vicki Kirkland April 30, 1995 April 27, 1996

Chapter Representatives

The following 11 chapters were mentioned as having a representative in the January 1996 newsletter. Dates are based on attendence at a State Committee meeting.

Chapter Name Term Start Term End
Brooklyn Maurice Phillips March 2, 1996 ?????
Capital District Jeffrey Russell bef. September 9, 1995 aft. December 2, 1995
Genesee Region Marc Ramsey ????? ?????
Hudson Valley Donald Silberger ????? ?????
Bill Van Allen bef. June 10, 1995 aft. June 10, 1995
Ene Susi bef. December 2, 1995 aft. December 2, 1995
Nassau Vincent O'Neil bef. September 9, 1995 aft. December 2, 1995
New York Alan Markopolis bef. September 9, 1995 aft. December 2, 1995
Niagara Frontier Martin Mutka ????? ?????
Putnam Bernie Gay ????? ?????
Queens Bradford Arter bef. December 2, 1995 aft. December 2, 1995
Southern Tier William Kone bef. December 2, 1995 aft. December 2, 1995
Suffolk Bruce A. Martin ????? ?????
Harry McArdle bef. June 10, 1995 aft. December 2, 1995
Westchester-Rockland James LaBarre bef. June 10, 1995 aft. September 9, 1995

Phillips resigned as Brooklyn rep after a controversy over the formation of the Brooklyn chapter.


Meetings of the Libertarian Party of New York (1995—1996) (VE)
Date Time Location Type Agenda Minutes
June 10, 1995 Sloatsburg, New York
Saturday, September 9, 1995 11:00 AM Sloatsburg, New York
Saturday, December 2, 1995 Sloatsburg, New York
Saturday, March 2, 1996 Sloatsburg, New York

Libertarian Party of New York
Affiliates: ChautauquaChemungColumbiaDutchessErieKings (Brooklyn)MadisonMonroeNassauNew York (Manhattan)OneidaOnondagaOrangeQueensPutnamRichmond (Staten Island)SaratogaSchoharieSuffolkTiogaUlsterWayneYates
Unorganized Affiliates: AlbanyAlleganyBronxBroomeCattaraugusCayugaChenangoClintonCortlandDelawareEssexFranklinFultonGeneseeGreeneHamiltonHerkimerLewisLivingstonMontgomeryJeffersonNiagaraOntarioOrleansOtsegoRensselaerRocklandSt. LawrenceSchenectadySteubenSullivanWarrenWashingtonWestchesterWyoming
Former Affiliates: Active: Capital DistrictHudson ValleyDefunct: Brooklyn-QueensBuffaloCentral New YorkErie-NiagaraGenesee RegionIthacaMid HudsonNew York CityNorth County LibertariansSouthern TierWestchester-PutnamWestern New York
Conventions: 1973197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202022 Nominating20222024 Nominating2024
Candidates: By year (196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025) • U.S. HouseState Assembly
State Committees: 1972-731973-741974-751975-761976-771977-781978-791979-801980-811981-821982-831983-841984-851985-861986-871987-881988-891989-901990-911991-921992-931993-941994-951995-961996-971997-981998-991999-20002000-012001-022002-032003-042004-052005-062006-072007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-19Transition (2019)Interim State Committee (2019-20)2019-202020-222022-242024-26
Committees: CommunicationsDelegate SelectionFundraisingITLegislative AffairsLocal Affiliate DevelopmentPetitioningPlatformRules
Former Committees: Clipping ServiceConventionElection Law & ProceduresHistoricalJudiciaryLibrarianMedia RelationsMembershipOperations & ActivitiesOrganizational StructureParty CommunicationsPublicity & Editorial ReplySpeake's BureauStrategic PlanningVacancyVettingVolunteer
Documents: BylawsEmailsMeetingsFinancial ReportsNewslettersPlatformsPress Releases
Indexes/Categories: CampaignsCourt cases
Local Conventions: 2014201520162017201820192020-212022-232024-25
National Delegations: 197419761981198720162018202020222024
Electors: 1976198019841988199219962000200420082012201620202024
Positions: ChairsVice-ChairsSecretariesTreasurersCommunications DirectorsFundraising DirectorsIT DirectorsLegislative Affairs DirectorsOutreach DirectorsPolitical DirectorsVolunteer Directors
Other: Libertarian Advocates of New YorkLocal ChairsSize and Influence • State Committee Elections: 202020222024Organization