Libertarian Party of Ohio

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The Libertarian Party of Ohio (LPO) is the Ohio affiliate of the Libertarian Party. The LPO is the 5th largest affiliate of the LP and the 3rd largest political party in Ohio.

Libertarian Party of Ohio
General Information
Chartered: 1972
Region: 3
Chair: Harold Thomas
Vice-Chair: Helen Gilson
Secretary: Elizabeth Thomas
Treasurer: Linda Comstock
Address: 6230 Busch Blvd. Suite 102
PO BOX 29193
Columbus, OH 43229
Website: Website
Social Media
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter


Executive Committee

Central Committee

Other positions


The Libertarian Party of Ohio (LPO) was created in 1972, led by Kay Harroff Over the years, Ohio Libertarians have been elected to a number of local offices. From the beginning, the mission of the LPO is to make an impact on the political and policy environment in Ohio. The LPO core issues have been limited government, lower taxes, and greater personal liberty.

1977 - In Ohio, the first Libertarian is elected to public office as an independent. Elaine Lindsey was elected to Circleville City Council.

1982 - For the first time in Ohio, the LP brand is on the ballot line, due to successful party petitioning (42,000 valid sigs).

- The LPO ran statewide races for Governor, Treasurer, Attorney General, and Secretary of State.

- Phyllis Goertz for Governor, Thomas Brown for Treasurer, James Schuller for Attorney General, and Ann Leech for SOS. Approx 460,000 votes given to LP candidates in Ohio Thomas Brown for Treasurer received 195,927 votes (6.91%), the highest total of a minor party candidate for statewide office to date.

- Ohio Ballot access lost when LP candidate for Governor did not receive 5% vote.

1993 - In Ohio, Bob DeBrosse won his race for Piqua City Council.

2000 - For the second time, the LP brand is on the ballot line, due to successful petitioning.

- LPO fields 78 candidates around the state of Ohio—all-time high to this point.

- LPO candidate for US Senate, John McAlister receives 117,500 votes or 2.4%. Kenneth MacCutcheon receives 2% in race for US Representative 6th District.

- Ohio Ballot Access lost when LP candidate for President did not receive 5% of vote.

Ballot Access

The Libertarian Party of Ohio has successfully challenged several ballot access laws. In 2004, Ohio law provided that if a party did not receive five percent of the votes for its presidential or gubernatorial candidate in a general election, the party would need to gather signatures of voters equal to one percent of the number of votes cast for president or governor in the previous election and to file its registration petition 120 days in advance of the primary election, which equated to one year in advance of the general election in presidential election years. The LPO challenged this law on the ground that the combined requirements severely burdened their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights of free association. The Sixth Circuit Court found that the Ohio law placed severe burdens on the First Amendment rights of free speech and association of the LPO, its members, and potential voters-supporters, was not narrowly tailored, and did not serve a compelling state interest. Libertarian Party of Ohio v. Blackwell, 462 F.3d 579 (6th Cir. 2006).

The Ohio Legislature did not enact new legislation following Blackwell; however, the Secretary of State issued Directive 2007-09 in an attempt to bring Ohio into compliance. The directive purported to lover the number of signatures to .5% of the number of votes cast for president or governor in the preceding general election and changed the filing deadline to 100 days before the primary. This Directive was struck down on the same First Amendment grounds as Blackwell. Libertarian Party of Ohio v.s Brunner, 567 F. Supp. 2d 1006 (S.D. Ohio 2008).

Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, issued Directive 2009-21 which recognized the LPO as well as the Ohio Green Party, the Constitution Party of Ohio, and the Socialist Party as qualified to appear in the primary and general election ballots. In January 2011, the Secretary of State issued Directive 2011-01 which reinstated 2009-21 providing ballot access for LPO and other minor parties. Then, on July 1, 2011, Governor John Kasich signed HB 194. The new law differed from the law in the Blackwell case insofar as it changed the deadline for filing signatures from 120 days to 90 days before the May primary. The LPO filed another Federal lawsuit seeking an injunction blocking enforcement of HB 194. Another win for the LPO. Libertarian Party of Ohio v. Husted No.2 11-cv-722, 2011 WL 3957259, at *6 (S.D. Ohio Sept. 7, 2011). Later, HB 194 was repealed following a voter referendum.

On Nov. 6, 2013, the Ohio Legislature passed and Gov. Kasich signed House Bill 193 which expressly voided the Secretary's prior Directives granting minor parties ballot access. SB 193 provided two methods for a minor party to obtain ballot access (achieve Minor Party Status). First, either the Gubernatorial or Presidential candidate for the party must achieve the requisite amount of votes - at least three percent of the total number of ballots cast for that office. Any party that receives adequate votes are deemed to have Party Status suitable to participate in state primary elections.

The second method requires a party to circulate a petition meeting the following standards:

  • 1) The petition is signed by qualified electors equal in number to at least one percent of the total vote for governor or candidates for president and vice president in the most recent election for such office.
  • 2) The petition is signed by not fewer than 500 electors in at least one-half of the total number of congressional districts.
  • 3) The petition declares the petitioners' intent to organize a political party, the name which shall be stated in the declaration, and of participating in the succeeding general election held in even numbered years, that occurs more than 125 days after the date of filing.

Political parties formed by petition are deemed "new" and therefore do not have access to primary election ballots. In addition to formation petition, candidates must file nominating petitions no later than 110 days before the election.

Affiliates and County Development Groups

Active Affiliates
County Development Groups
  • Allen County
  • Ashtabula County
  • Butler County
  • Coshocton County
  • Columbiana County
  • Clermont County
  • Delaware County
  • Fulton County
  • Geauga County
  • Greene County
  • Hamilton County
  • Hancock County
  • Huron County
  • Knox County
  • Lawrence County
  • Marion County
  • Miami County
  • Montgomery County
  • Muskingum County
  • Putnam County
  • Ross County
  • Scioto County
  • Stark County
  • Summit County
  • Warren County
  • Wayne County

Past Officials, Staff, and Other Contacts

Vice Chair
At Large

National Conventions

  • October 1973 - Cleveland, Ohio
  • May 2014 - Columbus, Ohio


See: Libertarian Party of Ohio Historical Election Results

Size and Influence

Year Minimum
Of Voters
Total Donors
2004 - Present
Active Members
1972 - 2003

LNC Donors
State Rank
Of Total LNC
(Of 51)
2018 175,790 3.91% 5,062 433 641 54.84 5
2017 5,043 433 606 51.98 6
2016 174,498 3.11% 5,701 490 805 69.12 6
2015 5,215 449 518 44.60 4
2014 143,363 4.55% 5,151 444 584 50.37 5
2013 5,037 435 1,085 93.76 2
2012 81,469 1.45% 4,773 413 673 58.26 5
2011 4,537 393 639 55.35 5
2010 184,478 4.66% 4,467 387 690 59.79 4
2009 4,236 367 647 56.12 5
2008 246,002 4.26% 3,908 339 726 63.05 4
2007 3,639 316 615 53.48 4
2006 71,473 1.71% 3,509 306 442 38.50 8
2005 3,238 282 644 56.18 8
2004 14,676 0.26% 830 72.47 7
2003 666 58.24 8
2002 127 0.00% 791 69.34 9
2001 963 84.57 9
2000 117,466 2.45% 1,171 103.05 8
1999 1,120 99.50 8
1998 9,146 0.26% 1,056 93.97 8
1997 821 73.22 7
1996 12,851 0.28% 704 62.93 11
1995 451 40.43 10
1994 17,495 0.49% 321 28.89 10
1993 292 26.38 10
1992 23,896 0.47% 333 30.25 9
1991 258 23.60 9
1990 2,182 0.06% 267 24.58 11
1989 226 20.87 8
1988 11,989 0.27% 161 14.91 10
1986 1,279 0.04%
1984 13,841 0.30%
1982 195,957 5.52%
1980 49,033 1.12%
1978 6,966 0.23%
1976 8,952 0.21%
1974 76,882 2.50%


  • 2586 Tiller Lane Suite 2K, Columbus, OH 43231
  • 6230 Busch Blvd. Suite 102, PO Box 29193, Columbus, OH 43229 (current)

Libertarian Party of Ohio
Affiliates: FranklinHamiltonKnoxLickingLorainLucas
Conventions: 1973
Central Committees: 2020-2022
Documents: BylawsConstitutionsNewslettersPlatforms
Other: Election Results

State Organizations of the National Libertarian Party
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