National Convention 1972

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1972 Libertarian National Convention
Button 1972 Convention.png
Dates: June 15—18, 1972
Location: Denver, Colorado
1973 →

The first Libertarian Party National Convention was held June 15–18, 1972 in Denver, Colorado. The original dates selected had tentatively been June 4–7, 1972. The convention was open to all Libertarian Party members at a cost of $25. There were 89 delegates in attendance representing 23 states. The original Statement of Principles was adopted unanimously at this convention.



John Hospers was chosen as the Presidential nominee on the first ballot by a three-to-one margin over his only competitor, James Bryan of Oregon. Other candidates were nominated, but declined.

Candidate Round 1
John Hospers
James Bryan

Vice President

Tonie Nathan was chosen as the Vice-Presidential nominee with a large margin over her only competitor, Diana Amsden, the temporary chair of the Libertarian Party of New Mexico.

Candidate Round 1
Tonie Nathan
Diana Amsden


Following the nominations, a motion was made to make them unanimous, which failed. However, a resolution was later brought by those that voted against this motion expressing their support for the ticket. This resolution passed unanimously.[1]

The ticket went one to receive an electoral college vote cast by faithless elector Roger MacBride of Virginia making Tonie Nathan the first woman and the first Jewish person to ever receive an electoral college vote.

Tentative Agenda

Using the previously scheduled dates. The actual convention happened later in the month.

  • Sunday, June 4 -- Open hearings by platform and constitution committees.
  • Monday, June 5 -- Closed committee sessions, workshops, first session of the convention (to vote on rules, constitution and by-laws). Evening open for caucuses of various groups who wish to hold them.
  • Tuesday, June 6 -- Second session of the convention (to vote on platform).
  • Wednesday, June 7 -- Third and final convention session (to elect Party's officers for 1972–1974, and to nominate a President and Vice-President of the United States). Big bash in the evening.
  • Thursday, June 8 -- Brief open session of the newly-elected Executive Committee, to deal with such matters are necessary.

Guest Speakers

Important Party Events

Adoption of the Statement of Principles on the afternoon of Saturday, June 17, 1972, by a unanimous vote.

Election of Officers

Election of Representatives At-Large

Election of the four Executive Committee Members at Large took four ballots. Some twelve people were nominated, and on the first ballot, only two people received a majority—former Temporary Chairman David F. Nolan, who received votes from 70% of the delegates, and Oregon's Temporary Chairman, James Bryan, with 60%. On the second ballot, none of the remaining nominees received a majority, but on the third ballot, a majority was received by D Frank Robinson, temporary Oklahoma Chairman and Parliamentarian at the Convention. On the fourth ballot, Pat Lowrie of Colorado was chosen to fill the remaining At-Large spot.

Election of Regional Representatives


  • Region 1
  • Region 2
  • Region 3
  • Region 4
  • Region 5
  • Region 6
  • Region 7
  • Region 8

Only Regions 1,2, 3 and 8 had permanent elections at the convention; the four remaining regions will hold regional caucuses to choose permanent ExecComm reps, as there were not enough delegates present to hold valid elections at the convention.

Election Officials


Convention Materials



Reservation Form

Convention-Reservation 1972.jpg


Audio Recordings


First-person accounts provided by convention participants.

Libertarian National Committee
Offices: Chair (list) • Vice-Chair (list) • Secretary (list) • Treasurer (list) • At-Large (list) • Regional RepresentativesRegional Alternates
Regions: Current: Region 1Region 2Region 3Region 4Region 5Region 6

Former: Region 7Region 8Region 9Region 10Region 11Region 12Region 13Region 14Region 15Region 16Region 17Region 18Region 19

Terms: 19711971-197219721972-19741974-19751975-19771977-19791979-19811981-19831983-19851985-19871987-19891989-19911991-19931993-19961996-19981998-20002000-20022002-20042004-20062006-20082008-20102010-20122012-20142014-20162016-20182018-20202020-20222022-20242024-2026
National Conventions: 1972197319741975197619771978197919811983198519871989199119931996199820002002200420062008201020122014201620182020202220242026
Other: Index of LNC and State Chairs Directories
