Nathan Madden

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Nathan Madden
Nathan Madden Candidate Profile.png
Buckeye Union High School District School Board Governor #201
Buckeye Union High School District Governing Board Member
January 2023—Incumbent
Valencia Precinct Committeeman
Maricopa County Libertarian Party
March 2021—Incumbent
Personal Details
Birth: 12-23-1998
Phoenix, Arizona
Party: Libertarian
Twitter: Twitter
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Nathan Madden is an Arizona state party activist and collaborator. Born in Phoenix, Arizona Nathan Madden had always been influenced by the "spirit of the west"; a long standing idea of Freedom, Justice, Independence, and Personal Responsibility. Nathan found the Libertarian Party after the disillusionment of the Republican Parties actions in 2016. Nathan is an avid reader of many Enlightenment Era Philosophers such as Adam Smith, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke. Nathan's more modern influences are Economists Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell

Nathan currently works in many supportive roles for the Maricopa County Libertarian Party and the Arizona Libertarian Party.

Nathan was a seated Alternate for Arizona for the 2024 Libertarian National Convention


Buckeye Union High School District School Board Governor #201

Result: Won Race

Term: 2023-current

While in Office:

Arizona State Representative Legislative District 25

Nathan Madden US Term Limits Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Classical Liberal Caucus Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Sarah Riggle Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Lauren Marie-Snyder Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Mike Ter Maat Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Jim Cantrell Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Joshua Smith Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Emily Goldberg Endorsement.png
Nathan Madden Christian Caucus Endorsement.png

Result: Disqualified/Withdrawn


City of Buckeye Library Advisory Board

May 2022- December 2023

City of Buckeye Community Services Advisory Board

December 2023 - Current

Organizational Positions

Arizona Libertarian Party

  • IT Committee Member - 2021 to 2022
  • Bylaws/Platform Committee Member - 2022 to 2023
  • Policy Committee - 2023 to Current (Committee Suspended until further notice by order of Chairman McFarland)

Maricopa County Libertarian Party

  • Precinct Committeeman - 2020 to current
  • Media Committee Member - 2021 to current
  • IT Committee member - 2021 to current

Nathan Caucus

  • Member 2024-Present

Activism Efforts

  • Personally Lobbied in favor of Defend the Guard Legislation
    • Flipped two "undecided" legislators (Sine Kerr & Ken Bennett) to vote in favor of the bill getting it passed through the Arizona State Senate. (The bill never made it to a State House committee for further consideration)
  • Personally Lobbied in favor of anti-corruption and transparency bills for multiple office levels in the State of Arizona and it's political sub-divisions
  • Personally Lobbied in favor of Defend the Guard Legislation
    • Worked towards getting Senate Sponsors to exceed the Vote Threshold necessary to pass. It passed through the Arizona State Senate.