Sean Vadney

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Sean Vadney
Vice Chair
Libertarian Party of Douglas County
August 2023—
Personal Details
Birth: 2000
Englewood, Colorado
Education: Southern New Hampshire University
Occupation: Disc Jockey
Residence: Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Party: Libertarian

Sean Vadney is a disc jockey from Highlands Ranch, Colorado. He is the current Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Douglas County (LPDC). Sean previously served as the LPDC’s Chairman from 2021-2023, and its Outreach Director from 2019-2021 when first volunteering for the party. Sean participated in the Libertarian Party of Colorado’s Bylaws Committee, authoring and establishing the state party’s Judicial Committee with the assistance of Caryn Ann Harlos and Mike Seebeck. Sean has worked on various Libertarian campaigns in Colorado. Most recently, he was elected as a Colorado delegate to the 2024 Libertarian National Convention, where he supported Chase Oliver’s bid for President of the United States.