Tennessee Convention 2022

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2022 Libertarian Party of Tennessee Convention
LPTN 2022 State Convention.jpg
Dates: March 18-20, 2022
Venue: Manchester Coffee County Conference Center
← 2021 2023 →

The Tennessee Convention of 2022 was the annual state convention for the Libertarian Party of Tennessee. The event began on March 18th at the Manchester Coffee County Conference Center in Manchester, Tennessee and ended on the 20th.


The 19th

On Saturday, businesses began at 9:05 with an opening address by Lemichael Wilson, immediately followed by a “State of the State” address by Dave Jones (9:10), and a secretary report (9:22).

At 9:29, David Tyler put forward the treasurer report, and the budget for 2022 was presented. The budget was subsequently passed with no discussion or opposition.

At 9:35, Tom Arnold inquired the viability of donating to candidates given LPTN was not partnered with a PAC. Tyler responded by confirming the LPTN is limited in the support it can provide to candidate campaigns.

At 9:41, Dave Benner raised a POI (point of information) on the process of conducting the meeting, to which Dave Jones responded that he would use Robert's Rules of Order.

At 9:44 Dave Jones motioned to confirm Wilson as Vice Chair, a voice vote commenced, and Wilson was confirmed as Vice Chair.

At 9:46, Regional breakouts commenced.

At 10:30, credentialing ends, and Kenna Porter announces there are 70 credentialed voters.

At 10:32 nominations for statewide political office positions opens:

At 10:42, nominations for delegates to the Libertarian National Convention of 2022 opened.

  • Benner nominated Jones as the Head of Delegation for the state of Tennessee.
    • No opposition.

At 10:44, Benner opens the floor for nominations of individuals present. Porter proceeds to explain procedure: line up at the mic and nominate an individual, then come to the secretary’s desk, and write down your nomination as well as your name on a piece of paper.

At 10:57, Arnold motions to end in person nominations for national delegates.

  • "Dustin" seconded, no opposition.

At 10:58, Jones opens the floor for nominations of those not present at the convention in person. Porter explains that these individuals will be listed at the end of the delegates list.

At 11:02, Arnold motioned to break for lunch until 13:30.

From 13:30 - 16:00, there were breakout sessions.

- Fin -

The 20th
