Libertarian Party of Delaware Leadership Controversy 2021
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On or about October 3, 2021, Libertarian Party of Kent County Representative Will McVay and Libertarian Party of Sussex County Representative Joe DiPisquale engineered what they characterized as a plot to get rid of certain board members as they found them disruptive and with with caucus affiliations they found to be antithetical to the purposes of the Libertarian Party. The situation was ultimately resolved by the national Judicial Committee in favor of the removed board members in appeal filed with the assistance of Caryn Ann Harlos during the period of In re: The Suspension of Caryn Ann Harlos. One of the restored Board members., Amy LePore went on to give Caryn Ann Harlos' nomination speech at the National Convention 2022. Will McVay and others went on to be invited to take over (friendly) another political party called Nonpartisan Delaware and have given up all claim to the name and organization of the Libertarian Party of Delaware.
They describe the situation in their own words here (note that host is opposed to their position):
The allegedly ousted board members speak out here (note that host is friendly to their position):
This eventually led to an LNC meeting on the topic which failed to achieve any decision and de facto left the McVay faction in control of the Libertarian Party of Delaware.
Documents Submitted to the LNC
- Submission dated October 6, 2021 to the Libertarian National Committee by Bill Hinds and Amy LePore (info)
- Submission dated November 5, 2021 to the Libertarian National Committee by Bill Hinds and Amy LePore (info)
Other Misc Relevant Documents
- Facebook response of Will McVay following inaction of LNC
- Bylaws with McVay 2021 Revisions
- Letter from Wes Benedict dated February 16, 2018 regarding prior controversy regarding the Libertarian Party of Delaware
- Facebook response of Will McVay to question on membership
- Facebook response of Will McVay about allegations
- Notice of Special Meeting for December 11, 2021 (info)
- Post Card for March 2022 convention put out by Will McVay - mistype in postcard that says 2021 convention (info)
Outside Commentary Videos Made
- Caryn Ann Harlos - Opposed to the Will McVay faction
- People are asking about what happened in Delaware
- Update on my Prior Report on what the heck is going on in Delaware
- And yet more Delaware Funny Business
- Oct '21 Meeting of Will McVay's Tyranitarian Party of Delaware
- The LP Delaware Situation and the Upcoming LNC Meeting
- So the LNC is shutting off comments - come talk here freely, I am not an authoritarian scared of member feedback
Judicial Committee Case Documents
- First File of Response of Bill Hinds dated January 21, 2022 to the questions of the Judicial Committee (info)
- Second File of Response of Bill Hands dated January 21, 2022 to the questions of the Judicial Committee (info)
- File of Responses of Will McVay dated January 21, 2022 to the questions of the Judicial Committee (info)
- Amicus Brief dated January 22, 2022 from various board members of the Libertarian Party of Colorado (info)
- Email dated January 22, 2022 from Amy LePore to the Judicial Committee providing copy of petition (info)
- Email dated February 23, 2022 from JC Chair Mary Ruwart to Whitney Bilyeu correcting her assertion on LNC list (info)
- Email dated March 2, 2022 from JC Chair Mary Ruwart to Whitney Bilyeu with further clarification (info)
Resolution as of February 2022
The Judicial Committee found in favor of Bill Hinds and Amy LePore in this written decision (info) . The national Libertarian Party provided a letter (info)
to the Delaware Secretary of State recognizing this decision.