Index of National Press Releases and Op-Eds
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- July 16, 1993 - Libertarians: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is unworkable and unfair
- September 8, 1993 - New Libertarian Party chair plans to double the number of elected Libertarians
- November 3, 1993 - Five More Libertarians Elected to Office Despite Republican and Democratic Attacks
- November 11, 1993 - Libertarian Party endorses NAFTA; calls for world-wide free trade
- July 31, 1994 - Don't send troops to die in Rwanda, urges Libertarian Party
- August 7, 1994 - Gephardt and Mitchell health care bills are no better than the Clinton plan, charges Libertarian Party
- August 26, 1994 - Libertarian Party: Criminals will love Clinton’s new crime bill
- September 16, 1994 - Call off Haiti invasion, demands Libertarian Party
- September 20, 1994 - End Haiti occupation, urges Libertarian Party
- October 24, 1994 - Libertarian Party far ahead of Perot spin-offs in candidates and ballot status across USA
- November 3, 1994 - Will Libertarian Party candidates cost the GOP control of the Senate?
- November 4, 1994 - Will Libertarian Party candidates cost the GOP control of the Senate?
- November 10, 1994 - Eleven Libertarians elected; party gains ballot status in four more states
- January 10, 1995 - Libertarian Party issues “Challenge to the Republicans”
- January 25, 1995 - Clinton’s State of the Union speech: Libertarian rhetoric, big-government reality
- February 2, 1995 - Mexican bail-out is business-as-usual in Washington, charges Libertarian Party
- March 31, 1995 - Federal government's National Conversation is $1.6 million “boondoggle for blabbermouths”
- April 14, 1995 - Libertarian Party gives Republicans a B- grade for Contract With America
- April 27, 1995 - Don’t use the Oklahoma City tragedy as an excuse to restrict civil liberty, says Libertarian Party
- May 8, 1995 - Good news: You’re (finally) working for yourself today ... not for the politicians
- June 7, 1995 - What are Republicans & Democrats afraid of?
- June 16, 1995 - New Communications Decency Act is “High-tech censorship,” charges Libertarians
- June 29, 1995 - Libertarian Party National Chair visits DC; available for interviews June 30 to July 5
- July 26, 1995 - Libertarianism is generating excitement in Generation X, says USA Today
- August 10, 1995 - Libertarian Party urges Pete Wilson: “Let Lady Liberty go!”
- September 27, 1995 - Ross Perot's new fourth party “will change nothing” in American politics
- October 7, 1995 - Libertarians “Break In” Watergate Office
- November 1, 1995 - Don’t “end welfare as we know it” — End the welfare state, urge Libertarians
- November 2, 1995 - Libertarian Party is half way to 50
- November 15, 1995 - Libertarians Say: Keep It Shut Down
- November 27, 1995 - Hands Off Hooters, Libertarians Tell EEOC
- December 15, 1995 - Get U.S. troops out of Bosnia demands Libertarian Party
- December 18, 1995 - Libertarians Say “Thanks!” for 2nd Government Shutdown
- 1996 - Disasters Waiting to Happen?
- 1996 - Cry Out to Tuskegee Justice
- January 16, 1996 - Justice Department must end attacks on electronic privacy, says Libertarian Party
- January 31, 1996 - New $265 billion defense bill is “military pork,” says Chairman of the Libertarian Party
- February 6, 1996 - Distrust of government keeps growing: Will the Libertarian Party benefit?
- February 10, 1996 - Libertarian to speak at anti-Internet censorship rally
- February 21, 1996 - Prediction: Libertarian Party will emerge as eventual “winner” of New Hampshire primary
- March 4, 1996 - Libertarian leaders learn “political judo” at Washington, DC campaign seminar
- March 7, 1996 - Supreme Court ruling on asset forfeiture means “cops have become the robbers,” say Libertarians
- March 29, 1996 - Repeal the "assault weapons" ban or pay the price in November, Libertarians warn Bob Dole
- April 12, 1996 - Are you missing out on the most significant political trend of 1996?
- April 25, 1996 - Be compassionate: Abolish the minimum wage
- May 7, 1996 - Hands off, Uncle Sam: Starting today, it’s our money
- May 28, 1996 - Libertarian National Convention promises political fireworks
- June 5, 1996 - Reject ‘Defense of Marriage Act,’ Libertarians urge Congress
- June 7, 1996 - The Prize: 50 States
- June 12, 1996 - New Libertarian law zaps random roadblocks in N.H.
- June 13, 1996 - Libertarians applaud court decision blocking Communications Decency Act
- June 17, 1996 - America’s most successful 3rd party holds presidential convention in July
- June 20, 1996 - Libertarian Party achieves ballot status in 33rd state
- June 27, 1996 - Are Libertarians on the brink?
- July 2, 1996 - America’s “most perplexing” 3rd party meets in Washington
- July 3, 1996 - Culture clash convention? Libertarians gather in Washington
- July 8, 1996 - Libertarians nominate Harry Browne for President
- July 26, 1996 - They Agree: Harry Browne Deserves a Spot in the Presidential Debates
- August 30, 1996 - Is Presidential Debates Commission deliberately lying for Clinton & Dole?
- August 30, 1996 - Harry Browne: Bill Clinton's Speech shows he 'believes in a place called Washington, DC
- September 3, 1996 - Three More Newspapers Editorialize: Include Harry Browne in Debates
- September 3, 1996 - Harry Browne: Cruise Missile Attack on Iraq Shows US Military Policy of Perpetual War
- September 6, 1996 - Nationwide Survey: 68% of Likely Voters Support Four-Way Presidential Debate
- October 10, 1996 - Gore & Kemp: 'Two philosophical lovebirds,' Says Libertarian VP candidate Jo Jorgensen
- October 11, 1996 - No, a $109 billion deficit isn't good news, says Libertarian candidate Harry Brown
- October 14, 1996 - Overcoming the 'snooze factor'
- October 16, 1996 - Clinton and Dole get "cyberwhipped" in Internet polls by Libertarian Browne
- October 17, 1996 - It was Right Wing versus Left Wing Big Government in second Presidential Debate says Harry Browne
- October 18, 1996 - Clinton owes apology for using 'terrorist' demagoguery about the TWA Flight 800 coach to attack Bill of Rights
- October 24, 1996 - Building a Bigger NATO is budget-busting security risk for U.S., warns Harry Browne
- October 25, 1996 - Drop Out, Mr. Dole
- October 26, 1996 - Harry Browne asks, Want to end political corruption? Deprive politicians of their "jackpot" of federal favors
- November 21, 1996 - Secret government medical experiments warrant jail, not payoffs, say Libertarians
- November 26, 1996 - Don’t Clintonize food recovery programs; end laws that reduce America’s food supply
- November 27, 1996 - Good Riddance, Dr. Kessler
- December 5, 1996 - Don’t debate Brady Bill — abolish it, Libertarian Party tells Supreme Court
- December 6, 1996 - Democrat tells truth about Social Security trust fund; Now let’s discuss real reform, says Harry Browne
- December 11, 1996 - Libertarian Party celebrates 25th birthday as America’s most influential third party
- December 13, 1996 - Politicians hoping to exploit children in Kiddycare debate, Libertarians say
- December 18, 1996 - Campaign finance ‘reform’ is attempt to muzzle third parties, Libertarians say
- December 20, 1996 - Libertarians defend contributors to Clintons’ legal defense fund
- December 27, 1996 - Clinton is turning back the clock on civil rights, Libertarians say
- 1997 - Say No to Racial Classifications!
- January 2, 1997 - The 1996 ‘Modeerf Awards’ hall of shame: Divorce classes, grabbing assets, & cigars
- January 3, 1997 - Clinton makes ‘compassion a crime’ with attack on medical marijuana
- January 6, 1997 - Social Security “privatization” — Or government takeover of business?
- January 9, 1997 - Don’t impose agonizing ‘life sentence’ on terminally ill, Libertarians tell Court
- January 13, 1997 - Should candidates be forced to take an anti-drug urine test to get on the ballot?
- January 17, 1997 - Boom in Libertarian voter registration leaves Republicans & Democrats in dust
- January 20, 1997 - Clinton’s “government with less” will cost an extra $800 billion, Libertarians say
- January 28, 1997 - Libertarians have a dream: Abolish government’s racial categories
- January 31, 1997 - Libertarians urge: End corporate welfare for Ronald McDonald and his rich friends
- February 5, 1997 - 134,300 convicted sex criminals released as politicians jail pot smokers instead
- February 8, 1997 - We pay $4,596 per second as politicians quibble over Balanced Budget Amendment
- February 11, 1997 - After 125,000 deaths and 400,000 POWs, government admits the War on Drugs is lost
- February 14, 1997 - Good news: Bungling IRS squanders $4 billion on computer that doesn’t work
- February 18, 1997 - Dirty Harry: I’m a libertarian
- February 21, 1997 - Are there 134,300 other potential Lawrence Singletons on the street?
- February 25, 1997 - Don’t “play God” with human cloning, Libertarian Party warns politicians
- February 28, 1997 - How politicians ‘pickpocket the poor’ to finance art for wealthy Americans
- March 5, 1997 - Do FEMA bureaucrats cause more harm than tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes?
- March 10, 1997 - Sex, lies, and videotape: How politicians lost the War against Pornography
- March 13, 1997 - Bureaucrats refuse to budge on air bags as children become ‘crash test dummies’
- March 19, 1997 - Blast censorship out of cyberspace, Libertarian Party urges Supreme Court
- March 21, 1997 - Why are “deceitful” Republican revolutionaries supporting so many costly new federal programs?
- March 25, 1997 - Stop legal harassment of tobacco companies, Libertarian Party tells puritanical politicians
- March 27, 1997 - Booming popularity: New surveys say 24% to 30% of Americans are libertarian
- April 1, 1997 - Libertarian Party demands: Declare War on Teenage Tanning!
- April 3, 1997 - Libertarians mount spirited defense as Clinton threatens liquor ads on TV
- April 8, 1997 - Clinton tries to turn volunteering into “forced labor,” charges Libertarian Party
- April 10, 1997 - Libertarians demand: Hunt down & prosecute politicians who OK’d Tuskegee experiments
- April 15, 1997 - Beware of politicians who claim they hate the IRS, Libertarians warn
- April 16, 1997 - Supreme Court drug-testing decision “is a victory for the Bill of Rights”
- April 21, 1997 - Wife-beaters with guns?
- April 24, 1997 - Tempest in a toilet bowl!
- April 29, 1997 - President’s summit on volunteering is made-for-TV hypocrisy, say Libertarians
- May 1, 1997 - Thomas Jefferson slandered as “terrorist” at Oklahoma bombing trial, say Libertarians
- May 7, 1997 - Congressmen in tax-funded Cadillacs make taxpayers carsick, say Libertarians
- May 9, 1997 - After working 128 days to pay taxes, May 9 is “Paycheck Emancipation Day”
- May 14, 1997 - Can new seat belt law save more people than previous auto regulations killed?
- May 19, 1997 - Great news for rude, hostile employees: You’re protected by federal “disability” law!
- May 22, 1997 - The “balanced” budget agreement: It’s shameful evidence of GOP’s retreat
- May 28, 1997 - Like Air Force Lieutenant Kelly Flinn, you may already be a sex criminal
- May 30, 1997 - The GOP’s latest ridiculous suggestion: The “Taxpayer Protection Agency”
- June 3, 1997 - McVeigh verdict proves: Violence is never a solution, says Libertarian Party
- June 5, 1997 - Libertarians ask: Why are schools more segregated, but marriages more integrated?
- June 10, 1997 - The War on Cancer’s shameful record: $30 billion wasted, zero lives saved
- June 12, 1997 - Congressmen now earn $133,600 a year. What more could they want? Another raise!
- June 17, 1997 - Want a fresh angle on the 25th Anniversary of the Watergate Break-In?
- June 24, 1997 - The tobacco settlement is bad newseven if you’ve never smoked a cigarette
- June 26, 1997 - Is a pat on the rump worth $4.2 million? (Between heterosexual men, that is)
- July 3, 1997 - Libertarian Party urges: Celebrate our real Independence Day on July 3rd
- July 8, 1997 - It’s time to end NATO, say Libertarians— not expand into turbulent Central Europe
- July 11, 1997 - Libertarians announce campaign to abolish racial classifications from Census forms
- July 16, 1997 - News bulletin: Politicians are corrupt! So end the hearings, and save $10 million
- July 18, 1997 - Why a Senate plan to prohibit ATM fees would hurt the people it wants to help
- July 22, 1997 - Why is Congress spending our money to slaughter endangered African elephants?
- July 25, 1997 - From A to Z—Australia to Zimbabwe — U.S. troops are deployed in 100 nations
- July 30, 1997 - The budget deal: A raw deal for taxpayers and a sweetheart deal for politicians
- August 6, 1997 - “Just say no” to government-subsidized dope-smoking experiment, say Libertarians
- August 8, 1997 - Deadly nuclear fallout is more proof that “Government is hazardous to your health”
- August 19, 1997 - Bring Marine and FBI killers to justice, demands outraged Libertarian Party
- August 21, 1997 - Libertarians will fight for the right not to fund Clinton’s millennium party
- August 26, 1997 - Doctor glut prompts dueling federal subsidy programs, Libertarians complain
- August 29, 1997 - Libertarians ask: Will Megan’s Law protect politicians — or our children?
- September 4, 1997 - Don’t tarnish Princess Diana’s legacy by censoring the press, Libertarians urge
- September 10, 1997 - Don’t praise Mother Teresa-be ashamed, Libertarian Party tells U.S. politicians
- September 12, 1997 - Libertarians ask: Why are Congressmen sending their children to private schools?
- September 18, 1997 - Sneaky Congressional “money-laundering” salary hike blasted by Libertarian Party
- September 25, 1997 - Libertarians ask: If the IRS is so terrible, why did Congress just increase its budget?
- September 30, 1997 - Can a new $400 million federal program slow the sex drive of American teenagers?
- October 1, 1997 - 60,000 pistol-packing federal bureaucrats show why people fear the government
- October 9, 1997 - Paying 10% more for pay-phone calls is good news (really!), say Libertarians
- October 17, 1997 - Clinton’s War on Marijuana sets record: 641,642 arrests — and ruined lives
- October 24, 1997 - Why is the Justice Department attacking Bill Gates — a modern American hero?
- October 28, 1997 - Hillary’s new federal child-care program is “Big Mother” government, warn Libertarians
- October 31, 1997 - Got crash jitters? Relax—it wasn’t as costly as government policies, note Libertarians
- November 6, 1997 - Smile — your local police department may be videotaping every move you make
- November 13, 1997 - Were Americans ambushed in Pakistan victims of terrorists — or the Pentagon?
- November 26, 1997 - Hate crime laws are a brazen attempt to criminalize speech, warn Libertarians
- December 1, 1997 - 87.1% of the American public agrees: Kick the politicians off the welfare wagon
- December 4, 1997 - Bad news for 785,176 American taxpayers: your money is being sent to South Korea
- December 9, 1997 - The evidence is clear: only criminals oppose concealed carry gun laws, say Libertarians
- December 11, 1997 - Is global warming science fiction masquerading as science fact?
- December 19, 1997 - Why is Christmas so darned expensive? Because of the 42% hidden taxes we pay
- December 22, 1997 - Doctor Says Shirley Allen isn't crazy: But what about Illinois police?
- December 30, 1997 - Under Their Thumb: New government fingerprinting laws threaten freedom
- 1998 - The Boomerang Effect - Why Government Programs so Often Achieve the Opposite of Their Intended Results (info)
- April 1, 1998 - New Cigarette tax could trigger deadly crime wave in USA, warn Libertarians
- April 2, 1998 - The lesson of the Paula Jones decision: Let's get rid of sexual harassment laws
- April 7, 1998 - New GOP-backed highway funding bill is pork on wheels, charge Libertarians
- May 14, 1998 - Government subsized Viagra is "sex welfare" - and should be cut off (info)
- October 7, 1998 - Warning: FBI planning sneak attack on privacy with dangerous 'wish 'list'
- October 16, 1998 Seven Libertarian Party candidates knocked off the ballot in Illinois
- October 19, 1998 - Republicans Should Go Out of Business after pork-laden budget deal
- March 10, 1999 - Libertarians: “Know Your Customer” is wounded - but is it really dead?
- March 29, 1999 - Do reasons for our military fiasco in Yugoslavia stand up to scrutiny?
- April 1, 1999 - April Fool's Day quiz: Should beggars start taking Visa and MasterCard?
- October 12, 1999 - Hate subsidizing dung-smeared 'art'? Here's the secret to ending that outrage
- October 20, 1999 - Who's more dangerous: Dope Smokers or murderers, rapists, and robbers?
- October 25, 1999 - Religion versus Equality: Can landlords "discriminate" against unwed couples?
- October 26, 1999 - Buchanan: Good news for third parties, but Reform Party death sentence?
- November 24, 1999 - New report: Uncle Sam is nation's most damaging environmental villain
- December 8, 1999 - Hide the ham: Health fanatics want to slap a 'fat tax' on your favorite foods
- December 9, 1999 - Your medical privacy is under attack by politicians' 'Unique Health Identifier'
- December 14, 1999 - "Why does the FDA think it's a crime to call a prune a 'dried plum'?
- December 22, 1999 - A Christmas Query: Will the feds bust Santa Claus for his many crimes?
- December 30, 1999 - Government should keeps hands off the Internet
- 2000 - Do You Want Smaller Government?
- 2000 - Don't Lock Third Parties Out of Presidential Debates
- 2000 - If We Hate Terrorists, Why Arm Them?
- 2000 - Florida Debacle Shows How Government Works
- March 30, 2000 - Let's pull the plug on the SEC's automated Internet snooping scheme
- June 26, 2000 - Libertarians Head to Anaheim California for Presidential Nominating Convention
- August 29, 2000 - No joke: The USDA is debating the proper size of holes in Swiss cheese
- October 10, 2000 - Should students be suspended for wearing 'obscene' B-A-B shirts?
- October 12, 2000 - The 2nd debate's winner: Jim Lehrer (for struggling to find a difference)
- October 13, 2000 - Tragic bombing in Yemen was result of our interventionist foreign policy
- October 20, 2020 - 25 million more guns help drop crime rate by 40 %
- October 24, 2000 - Federal Regulators plan to ban your "politically incorrect" washing machines
- October 25, 2000 - Who is Al Gore kidding when he says he wants smaller government?
- October 26, 2000 - Will California's Prop 36 mark the beginning of the end of the Drug War?
- November 29, 2000 - Green Eggs and Pork
- December 6, 2000 - How Al Gore lost 15,914 votes in Florida, and maybe the presidency
- December 19, 2000 - New study: Holiday 'Grinch' taxes gobble up 41% of your travel costs
- December 20, 2000 - After 4 million arrests, Clinton is a 'shameless hypocrite' on legalizing pot
- December 21, 2000 - Doctor Says Shirley Allen isn't crazy: But what about Illinois police?
- December 28, 2000 - Town tries to 'snob zone'God by banning prayer meetings in home
- January 25, 2001 - California's Power Crisis: Don't Blame Deregulation
- February 1, 2001 - Should politicians make it a crime to not shovel your sidewalk after a storm?
- February 21, 2001 - High-Tech Spying Versus Privacy
- March 28, 2001 - Libertarians launch effort to stop raid on Americans' medical records
- March 29, 2001 - Why conservatives should urge high court to OK medical marijuana
- April 3, 2001 - The Big Lie behind McCain-Feingold -- and the 'high cost' of potato chips
- June 13, 2001 - Four Ways to Prevent Another Timothy McVeigh
- September 5, 2001 - Shark Attack! Has the Federal Government's Shark-Protection Program Caused the Surge in Savage Shark Attacks?
- October 11, 2001 - Why terrorists won't mind a national ID card - but why you should hate it
- October 16, 2001 - Anti-terrorism bills should be rejected for 'recycled police state-style snooping'
- October 18, 2001 - There's only one way to protect the US against anthrax terrorist attacks
- October 23, 2001 - Federalized Airport Security is Just Too Risky for America?
- October 25, 2001 - Urgent: Tell the US Senate to drop anti-privacy provisions from terrorism bill
- November 20, 2001 - Thanksgiving alert: Feds launch massive campaign to arrest ... seatbelt violators!
- November 30, 2001 - Why did police arrest 734,498 pot-smokers -- instead of tracking murderous terrorists?
- December 10, 2001 - On Tuesday, America's #1 third party celebrates historic 30th anniversary
- December 14, 2001 - Don't expand the War on Terrorism to Iraq, Somalia, Columbia, Libya, etc.
- December 18, 2001 - Not-so-merry study: Holiday 'Grinch' taxes eat up 41% of your travel costs
- December 19, 2001 - DON'T turn the War on Terrorism into an 'endless, worldwide war'
- January 23, 2002 - Don't Give that Dog a Cigar! (and other silly laws)
- April 1, 2002 - Proposed 'fat tax' on soda is start of a nationwide 'War on Fat' by politicians
- April 4, 2002 - Proposed 'fat tax' on soda is start of a nationwide 'War on Fat' by politicians (duplicate of 4/1)
- October 8, 2002 - Can you find the propaganda in Bush's speech? Libertarians ask
- October 10, 2002 - Why is government funding a 'Club Med" for monkeys?
- October 11, 2002 - Sexy 'pin-up' calendar promotes her State House Campaign
- October 15, 2002 - Should schools have to share student data with Selective Service?
- October 16, 2002 - Don't believe Sarah Brady: Gun Fingerprinting won't Stop Snipers
- March 26,2003 - Libertarians lambaste Bush for funding war with deficit spending
- October 16, 2003 - Americans Owe Rush Limbaugh a Debt of Gratitude, Libertarian Party says