National Historical Preservation Committee

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The Libertarian Party Historical Preservation Committee (LPHPC or HPC) was formed in 2017. It is responsible for the collection, preservation, and sharing of historical records relating to the Libertarian Party, and for the management of LPedia.

The current members of the committee are Caryn Ann Harlos (chair), Joe Dehn, Ed Fochler, James Gholston, Andrew Martin Kolstee, Lisa Gansky, and Samuel Bohler.

Related committees and projects:


As Ad Hoc Committee

The Committee was officially created on January 24, 2017 through the following motion co-sponsored by LNC members Sam Goldstein, Caryn Ann Harlos, David Demarest, and Brett Bittner:

Motion: The LNC establishes a Historic Preservation Committee to help preserve and publish historical documents of the party and to manage LPedia. This committee is granted a budget of $5,000. Caryn Ann Harlos is appointed chair with authority to appoint up to 4 others. This committee will expire at the end of the LNC meeting preceding the 2018 LP National Convention.

Voting "aye": Bilyeu, Demarest, Goldstein, Hagan, Harlos, Hayes, Katz, Lark, Marsh, Mattson, McKnight, Moellman, Redpath, Starchild.

""Voting "nay":"" None.

Original application for Committee applicants.

As Permanent Committee

At the December 9-10, 2017 LNC Meeting, Committee Chair Harlos moved that the HPC be added to the Policy Manual which passed in the following language (as amended by Starchild:

Committee Name Size Member Selection Chair Selection
Historical Preservation Committee Five Members Committee Chair selected by LNC Chair, remaining four members selected by the Committee Chair Entire LNC

Along with:

The HPC shall be responsible for directing the preservation and publication of Party historical documents and the administration of  A report of its decisions and activities shall be delivered at each LNC meeting.

Name Variation

The original motion originally named the Historic Preservation Committee but has been called the Historical Preservation Committee and Libertarian Party Historical Preservation Committee ever since.

Membership History






since August 16, 2022

Fundraising by Libertarian Party

Records Move

On April 29, 2017, D Nick Dunbar arrived in Parker Colorado after driving a U-Haul from the Party headquarters in Alexandria Virginia with the entirety of the Party archives for organization supervision by Committee Chair Caryn Ann Harlos. This move was authorized through the following motion started via email ballot on March 24, 2017 and co-sponsored by LNC members Caryn Ann Harlos, Daniel Hayes, Brett Bittner, and David Demarest:

""Motion:"" Move to budget an additional $5,000 (budget line 90) to relocate the historical records in the Duke Street basement and in the off-site storage facility to a location in Colorado to be determined by Historical Preservation Committee Chair. The facility will be paid by for and under the control of the LNC and will be obtained at a cost equal or less to the price paid for the similar facility in Virginia. The Executive Director will be directed to send out up to two fundraising emails to cover this expense and the prior budgeted Historical Committee expense (credit to budget line 25).

Voting "aye": Bilyeu, Bittner, Demarest, Hagan, Harlos, Hayes, Goldstein, Lark, Marsh, Sarwark, Starchild, Zohra.

""Voting "nay":"" Katz, Mattson.

""Express Abstention:"" Redpath.

D. Nick Dunbar and Marc Montoni assisting with records move, Park Colorado

Public Exhibits

The HPC had a table in the vendor area of the 2018 National Convention in New Orleans. On display were a large number of historic buttons and bumper stickers, along with several photo albums and other items. Samples of old-format video tapes represented the committee's work in that area. Next to the table there was a large banner version of the Statement of Principles - the actual original draft of the Statement of Principles was also available to be seen at this convention, but not left on display for security reasons.

Media Mentions and Press Releases

Washington Times mention











See Also