Green Party of the United States
The Green Party of the United States is the American branch of an organized international political movement. They are often depicted as being a fringe of the Democratic Party, but often try to present themselves as being centrist and also appealing to Republicans. They are often identified as progressive, and even socialist or Marxist, though they emphasize "decentralization", which is contrary to Marxist proposals.
While the core of the Greens and Libertarians have strongly opposing views about justice, there is some overlap in left libertarian elements of both parties. Some libertarians have addressed the greens as being "the honest opposition" and suggested various forms of cooperation, ranging from debates to cooperation on single-issue campaigns, and even co-endorsement of candidates where appropriate.
Green Party Leadership
The party is led by 7 co-chairs, together with the secretary and treasurer, who make up the Steering Committee. They are elected from the delegates, who serve on the Green National Committee, representing the affiliated member states. The co-chairs of the Green Party of the United States are currently: Elizabeth Arnone, Jim Coplen, Jason Nabewaniec, Budd Dickinson, Kristen Olsen, Phil Huckelberry, and Sarah Steiner.
Libertarian Policies Supported by Greens
- Decentralized solutions to problems
- Decriminalization of marijuana
- Election reform, (Instant runoff, proportional representation)
- Military reduction and non-intervention
Statist Policies Generally Supported by Greens
- Financial
- Involuntary Social Security run by the government
- Socialized health care
- Government funding for abortions as part of socialized health care.
- Living wage policies (high wage government employment to drive up other wages)
- State financed political campaigns
- Regulatory
- Minimum wage laws
- Campaign finance regulations that some feel will consequently restrict freedom of speech
- Affirmative action forced upon private employers and distracting from the primary mission of government departments.
Neutral policies generally supported by the Greens
- Environmental protections through research-based reconfiguration of costs structures in the economy.
- Re-evaluation of corporate status and influence in the society
Statist policies often supported by Greens
- Gun control (varies by region)