Document:New York Onondaga County Press Release 5 March 2019 Onondaga County Libertarian Party Endorses Candidates

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Syracuse, NY – The Onondaga County Libertarian Party has endorsed 9 candidates for local office in 2019.

The OCLP has endorsed Ryan McMahon for County Executive, Matt Beadnell for County Comptroller, Chuck Keller for District Attorney, Will Martin for County Legislator (8th), Courtney Hills for County Legislator(7th), John McBride for County Legislator(11th), Jason Zeigler for City Councilor At-Large, Mike Becallo for Cicero Town Councilor, and Nicholas Paro for Salina Town Councilor.

Onondaga LP Chairman Shawn Hannon spoke about the slate of candidates, “We believe we nominated a group of candidates that can help individuals be less burdened by their local government.” Onondaga LP Political Director, Steve Minogue, who led the candidate interview process said, “I am excited to work with our slate of candidates and looking forward to electoral success in November.”

“I am humbled and honored to receive the nomination by the Libertarian Party,” said Beadnell. “Personal liberty through less governmental control is an ideology that I firmly believe in; I look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure accountability as your County Comptroller.”

Martin will become the first enrolled Libertarian Party member to ever appear on a ballot in Onondaga County, “I look forward to this November to give the voters a choice for individual liberty.”

Becallo will seek to regain his Cicero Town Councilor seat after a two year absence with his Libertarian Party nomination, “I’m honored by the Libertarian Party nomination. We share the goals of a limited government, a protection of property rights and a reduced tax burden for the people of Cicero.”

The electoral successes of 2018 has earned the Libertarian Party recognized party status for the first time in NYS. That new status comes with a ballot line for candidates. In 2019, LP candidates will not need to petition and there are no primaries. 

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