Marc Goddard

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Marc Goddard
Personal Details
Birth: May 9, 1975
Portland, Oregon
Death: April 9, 2023(2023-04-09) (aged 47)
Colorado City, Colorado
Education: BA, Political Science/Philosophy
Occupation: Director of Financial Aid
Party: Libertarian Party
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Marc Goddard was a Libertarian activist residing in Colorado. He was active in the Libertarian Party of Colorado and ran for Colorado House of Representatives, District 4 in 2010. He passed away on April 9, 2023 and is survived by his two children, Sadie and Maddox, and his parents and brother, Jim, Janet and Matt. He practiced Buddhism, was a professional bartender, and his kids were the most important priorities in his life.

Political Experience

Fundraising/ Event Director, Libertarian Party of Colorado, 2006-2023 National Campaign Director Candidate, Colorado House of Representatives, District 4, 2010 Campaign Manager, Dawn Winkler for Governor, 2006 Sub Committee Chairman, Citizens for Safe Water, 2000 Media Director, Jake Okenberg for Mayor, 2000

He also served as convention parliamentarian for the Libertarian Party of Colorado annual convention multiple times and was at one time a registered parliamentarian with the National Association of Parliamentarians. He served as proctor when Caryn Ann Harlos of Colorado received her parliamentarian certification.

Campaign Themes

Goddard was a Libertarian candidate for District 4 of the Colorado House of Representatives. The primary election was on August 10, 2010, and the general election was on November 2, 2010. Goddard's website highlighted the following issues:

The Economy Excerpt: "Much more can be done to make sure that Coloradoans have stable communities and essential government programs. For this reason, as your State Congressman, I would introduce several innovative bills to the legislature to help raise needed funds, cut wasteful spending, and increase liberty and prosperity for Coloradoans."

Education Excerpt: "Education is one of the most important investments that a community can make, and I think Colorado needs to a stronger educational system. The answer is certainly not spending more by eliminating Tabor."

Medical Marijuana Excerpt: "I fully support the use of Medical Marijuana as approved by the citizens of Colorado, and I oppose recent attempts by some of our legislators to impose some restrictions, any restrictions on this industry."

Immigration Excerpt: "We must avoid implementing discriminatory polices while insuring that American citizenship holds its value. Colorado does not need policies that will deter businesses from coming here, or cause us to be a national spectacle."

Gun Rights Excerpt: "To limit the ability to own a gun is to limit the ability to defend one’s self, family, property, and by extension- one’s state."

Homosexuality and Government Excerpt: "Simply put, the arguments for denying Liberty to those who identify as homosexuals was as flawed as denying rights to any other group, such as women or people of color."

Abortion Excerpt: "While unwanted pregnancies are an unfortunate circumstance in society, this issue is too personal to be politicized; the decision to abort ought to be free from outside influences, especially the government. That’s why I support a person’s right to choice."