Document:California Press Release 20 September 2000 Libertarians Announce Positions On November Ballot Measures

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14547 Titus Street, Suite 214
Panorama City, CA 91402
For immediate release: September 20, 2000
For additional information:
Juan Ros, Executive Director
Phone: (818) 782-8400

Libertarians announce positions on November ballot measures

PANORAMA CITY -- California Libertarians support a proposed voucher program and drug treatment over incarceration, while opposing new bonds and restrictions on political speech, according to positions on the November ballot initiatives announced today by the Libertarian Party of California.

"Libertarians evaluate each ballot measure by asking: will this measure make California more or less free? Will this law increase liberty or restrict it? We make a decision based on the answers to those questions," declared Libertarian state chair Mark Hinkle.

Libertarians endorsed what is arguably the most controversial initiative, Proposition 38, the school voucher initiative. "Government schools have clearly failed to educate children. Prop. 38, while not perfect, is a significant advance over the status quo," Hinkle stated.

State Libertarians also back Proposition 36, which requires probation and drug treatment instead of incarceration for nonviolent drug law offenders. "Libertarians were the first to demand an end to the War on Drugs," Hinkle pointed out. "Until that happens, Prop. 36 will reduce prison overcrowding, save state taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars per year, and probably save lives as well."

Also receiving the Libertarian endorsement is Proposition 37, which would redefine certain fees as taxes. "Politicians have been getting away with murder, avoiding tax restrictions by calling them 'fees.' Prop. 37 would put an end to that hidden taxation," Hinkle said.

Proposition 35, which would ease rules on private contracting, also wins an endorsement from Libertarians. "Public contractors oppose Prop. 35 for fear of losing their jobs. But Prop. 35 will end up creating thousands of jobs -- and save billions in taxes," Hinkle predicted.

On the con side, Libertarians oppose Proposition 32, a $500 million bond act. "Bonds are the most expensive way to finance projects. Plus, voters just approved a $50 million veterans homes bond act in March. There is no excuse for this initiative," Hinkle noted.

Libertarians also strongly oppose Proposition 39, the so-called "Son of 26," which would lower the threshold for passing school bonds from two-thirds to 55%. "Voters defeated Prop. 26 in March. To qualify a near-identical initiative so soon is the height of arrogance," Hinkle said.

Proposition 34, which would impose campaign contribution limits, also gets a thumbs-down from Libertarians. "Libertarians accept no restrictions on political speech, no exceptions."

Concluded Hinkle, "Libertarians always come down on the side of greater liberty and less government. We urge voters to read their ballot pamphlets carefully -- and we are confident that many voters will come to same conclusion we did."

The following is the list of positions taken by the Libertarian Party of California on ballot measures for the November 7 general election:

  • Proposition 32: No
  • Proposition 33: No
  • Proposition 34: No
  • Proposition 35: Yes
  • Proposition 36: Yes
  • Proposition 37: Yes
  • Proposition 38: Yes
  • Proposition 39: No