Libertarian Party of New Mexico 2022 Disaffiliation and Re-Affiliation

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This page (Libertarian Party of New Mexico 2022 Disaffiliation and Re-Affiliation) may contain disputed or controversial material because there are strong and differing opinions on some aspect of this topic. LPedia is an archive and takes no sides. The main article on a topic should focus on undisputed facts. Material that represents subjective opinions should be presented as such by one of the following methods: reference to another document that has a clearly identified author or source, a footnote that identifies the source along with the opinion, a brief summary in the main text of the nature of the dispute and the positions of each side. Authors should refrain from language that shows bias, e.g., praise of one side or slurs against another. Extended presentations of a particular viewpoint are best provided as separate documents or articles labeled as such; this allows readers to make their own judgments and arrive at their own conclusions. Thank you for respecting the purpose of LPedia. For more information see LPedia:Disputed or Controversial Material.

The Libertarian Party of New Mexico then chaired by Chris Luchini was disaffiliated by the Libertarian National Committee on the basis of violations of fundamental member rights with a refusal to cure on September 11, 2022. On October 29, 2022, a new group held an organizing convention with an intent to form an organization that would petition for affiliation with the national party. Until legal issues over the name were resolved with the Libertarian National Commmittee's enforcement of its trademark on the name "Libertarian Party' against the former affiliate, the new organization adopted the name Free Libertarian Party of New Mexico. The initial Board was Frank Martin (Chair), Mike Blessing (Vice-Chair), Rudolph Kohn (Secretary), and Tyler Askin (Treasurer).

Timeline of Events with Documents

Video of Organizing Convention

Libertarian Party of New Mexico
Documents: Bylaws and ConstitutionPlatformsNewslettersFree Libertarian Party of New Mexico Newsletter
Conventions: 197219892021
National Delegations: 20222024
Other: Election Results2022 Disaffiliation and Re-AffiliationFederation of New Mexico College Republicans
  1. This change was passed (and later revoked) to the LPNM Constitution and Bylaws: 1) It is hereby resolved that Article VII, Paragraph 5(a) of the Constitution of the Libertarian Party of New Mexico is amended to read as follows: In order to serve as a delegate from LPNM to the National Convention of the Libertarian Party, an individual must be a member of the Executive Committee, a member of the Central Committee, or a caucus member in good standing for 120 days preceding the State Convention at which the delegate is elected to serve at the National Convention. In the case of caucus members, the individual must have also provided 12 hours of volunteer service to LPNM in the 12 months preceding the State Convention. The Secretary shall maintain records of volunteer hours served by caucus members. These requirements may be waived for a particular candidate on a two-thirds vote of the State Convention. The 2022 LPNM Convention shall be prorated to only require 2 hours of volunteer service.
  2. Chris Luchini conceded that January 6, 2022, rules change was not constitutional, but that no one from the Mises caucus wanted to run for that position. Tyler Askin and the Mises Caucus alleges that at the March 5th convention, 5 Mises Caucus members signed up and were disregarded. They allegedly all had speeches prepared, but were not allowed to speak.