Document:LNC Resolution 2 October 1977 Regarding Finance Committee

Resolved at the October 2, 1977 LNC Meeting:

FINANCE COMMITTEE: A Finance Committee is hereby created under the General Guidelines for Action Committees" organized as follows: (1) Purpose: The purpose of the Finance Committee is to develop and administer a professional,  ongoing fundraising program. (2) Authorities: The Finance Committee shall be responsible to the National Committee to which it shall submit an annual report and interim reports at each National Committee meeting. At least annually, the Finance Committee shall submit a proposed fundraising program and budget to the National Committee for approval. After approval, the Finance Committee shall have the authority to make the expenditures and commitments, within the authorized amounts, necessary to implement the program. (3) Membership and Officers: The officers shall include a chair, who shall direct the fundraising programs, and a secretary, who shall assist the chair in preparing the reports and budgets, keep accounts of the committee, and serve as liaison between the Finance Committee and the Treasurer. The Secretary shall be the only member whose primary duties are administrative; the primary duty of all other members shall be fundraising. (4) Fundraising: The Finance Committee shall develop fundraising programs including membership drives, direct mail appeals, fundraising speeches and personal solicitations. It shall be authorized to build up the Party's mailing list through exchanges and other reasonable arrangements. These lists are to be fully utilized for membership drives, fundraising appeals and literature sales efforts. All mailings will be handled through the National Office. The committee shall be authorized to negotiate and enter on behalf of the LP other reasonable types of fundraising arrangements with qualified people. All members of the committee, except the secretary, agree to actively solicit financial support for the Party. In addition, committee members shall encourage other Party supporters to solicit funds.  

Note: This was indexed in an official Resolution Index and identified as Resolution 56 therein. That document also seems to note that this was amended via resolution at the April 11-12, 1981, December 3, 1983, and April 4-5, 1987 meetings. This is the language as amended.
