Document:LNC Resolution 12-13 March 1983 Regarding National Director
Resolved at the March 12-13, 1983 LNC Meeting:
BASIC FUNCTIONS: (1) The Director serves as the chief operating manager of the National Headquarters. (2) The Director serves under the direct supervision of and is directly responsible to the National Chair and reports to the National Committee. (3) The Director is responsible for maintaining and managing a viable National Headquarters and for the completion of all tasks assigned to National Headquarters. (4) The Director directs, administers, and coordinates the activities of the National Headquarters in accordance with the Policies and Plans established by the National Chair and the national Committee. (5) The Director develops, implements and ensures the execution of the organizational processes and techniques necessary to facilitate the Party in accomplishing and achieving its Purposes. (6) The Director assists the National Chair in the development of Policies, Plans, Programs, and Projects that cover Party operations, personnel, financial performance and growth.
AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES: (1) The Director guides, directs, and coordinates National Headquarters management, other National Headquarters personnel, and volunteers, in the development and implementation of Programs, development and execution of Projects, production and distribution of Party materials, promotion of the Party's Purposes according to established Policies and Plans, and development and execution of all Special Projects. (2) The Director ensures the general and daily management and operations of the National Headquarters. (3) The Director directs National Headquarters operations to achieve results in accordance with budgeted income and expenditure limits and other financial criteria and to preserve the funds invested in the Party's asset s. (4) The Director submits all contracts of over $1000 to the National Chair for approval prior to any commitment of the Party to the contracts. (5) The Director directs the development and preparation of short-term and long-term plans and budgets for the National Headquarters based on the Policies, Plans, Programs, and Projects of the Party and recommends their adoption to the National Chair, and National Committee. (6) The Director directs the research for necessary and pertinent data for the development of the Policies, Plans, Program s, and Projects of the Party. (7) The Director ensures the development, implementation and completion of all Programs submitted to the National Headquarters by the National Chair or the National Committee and its subcommittees. (8) The Director ensures the development of documentation and proposals for all Projects required for the implementation of the Programs received from the National Committee and its subcommittees, and submits these to the National Chair or national Committee and its subcommittees, other relevant committees or their subcommittees, or other individuals as designated by the National Chair or National Committee, as appropriate, for approval prior to execution. (9) The Director develops and maintains a sound plan of National Headquarters organization, develops practices to ensure adequate National Headquarters personnel development and to provide for capable management succession, recommends changes in National Headquarters organization as required by the development and growth of the Party, and submits these £or review and approval by the National Chair. (10) The Director may recommend and suggest changes to the Policies of the Party and submits these to the National Chair, National Committee subcommittees, or other relevant committees or subcommittees {or consideration by the National Committee. (11) The Director directs the development and implementation of National Headquarters procedures and controls to maintain communication and adequate flow of information and to maintain adequate management control and direction of National Headquarters activities. C12l The director maintains adequate and necessary communications with the National Chair and ensures the National Chair is kept fully informed of all National Headquarters and pertinent Party activities. (13) The Director develops National Headquarters operating practices consistent with the Policies and Plans of the Party, submits these to the National Chair for review and approval, and ensures their adequate execution. (14) The Director appraises and evaluates the performance of National Headquarters and Party operations, personnel, and activities regularly and systematically, and reports these results to the National Chair and the National Committee. (15) The Director submits progress reports on the status of Programs and Projects and provides periodic information depicting the current production level of National Headquarters to the National Chair as required. (16) The Director ensures the achievement of production targets and quotas requested by the National Chair or National Committee. The Director requests the advice and counsel of the National Chair before establishing procedures to coordinate activities through the National Headquarters or establishing a production level of required activities through the National Headquarters to provide for the implementation of Programs and execution of Project s. (17) The Director delegates portions of activities, responsibilities, and authorities, as necessary and desirable, to other National Headquarters management and other National Headquarters personnel. The Director, however, does not delegate any portion of overall responsibility or any portion of accountability. The Director ensures that the responsibilities, authorities, and accountability of all National Headquarters personnel are defined and understood and that all National Headquarters personnel are completely informed of the limits and scope of these as they pertain to their position in the organizational structure of the National Headquarters. The Director initiates, reviews, and approves the appointment, employment and termination of all National Headquarters personnel with the advice and consent of the National Chair. (18) The Director ensures the performance of the function of other National Headquarters management personnel when the management positions are not filled or the management personnel are not available. (19) The Director ensures that all National Headquarters personnel can perform the functions of their position and maintains as distinct a separation of duties as necessary for maximum efficiency and productivity. The Director supervises all National Headquarters personnel as necessary to ensure the proper execution of projects and proper performance of the functions of their positions. The Director assists National Headquarters personnel in establishing their production targets and quotas and approves these based on the overall targets assigned. (20) The Director develops adequate and equitable personnel policies, and salary administration policies, for the National Headquarters employees, and submits these for review and approval by the National Chair. The Director ensures that the interests and welfare of employees and volunteers as individuals are preserved and protected. (21) The Director maintains direct contact for the Party with suppliers of outside goods and services and ensures sound services and working relationships with key personnel of important news media and vendors with all outside services. The Director maintains a liaison between the National Headquarters and other Libertarian organizations as requested by the National Chair. (22) The Director ensures that all National Headquarters activities and operations are carried out in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations and laws governing business operations and political activities. (23J The Director personally participates in the acquisition and sale of major assets, and in the investigations, evaluations, and negotiations of cooperative efforts with nonlibertarian political organization s in accordance with the Party's Policies and Plans as established by the National Committee as requested by the National Chair or National Committee. (24J The Director assumes other special activities, functions, responsibilities, and duties as directed by the National Chair or National Committee.
Note: This was indexed in an official Resolution Index and identified as Resolution 244 therein. It is noted that this was amended at the September 2, 1987 and December 6, 1987 meetings. This is the amended language.