Libertarian Party of San Joaquin County: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox Local Affiliate
| COUNTY    = San Joaquin County LP
|name = Libertarian Party of San Joaquin County
| CHAIR      = [[Alex Appleby]]  
|logo = LibertarianPartyofSanJoaquinCountyLogo.jpg
| VICE_CHAIR = Joe Benevidez
|jurisdiction = San Joaquin County, California
| TREASURER  = Steven Downs
|state = California
| SECRETARY  = Shannon Redding
|established =
| LOGO      = [[File:LibertarianPartyofSanJoaquinCountyLogo.jpg|120px]]
|chartered =
|dechartered =
|status =
|chair = [[Alex Appleby]]  
|vice-chair = [[Joe Benevidez]]
|secretary = [[Shannon Redding]]
|treasurer = [[Steven Downs]]
|website =
|facebook =  
|twitter =  
|meetup =
The '''Libertarian Party of San Joaquin County''' is a county affiliate of the [[Libertarian Party of California]].
The '''Libertarian Party of San Joaquin County''' is a county affiliate of the [[Libertarian Party of California]].
==Executive Committee==

==Past Officials, Staff, and Other Contacts==
==Past Officials, Staff, and Other Contacts==
[[David Morrow]], ''chair (c. 1995)''<BR/>
[[David Morrow]], ''chair (c. 1995)''<BR/>
[[Cliff Pickens]], ''contact''<BR/>
[[Cliff Pickens]], ''contact''<BR/>

==External Links==  
==External Links==  
* [ Meetup Page]
* [ Meetup Page]
* [ Possibly historical and unmaintained Libertarian Party of San Joaquin County page]
* [ Possibly historical and unmaintained Libertarian Party of San Joaquin County page]


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{{Public Domain}}
{{Public Domain}}
[[Category:California County and Regional Parties|San Joaquin LP]]
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