Document:LPNY Convention 13 April 2002

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Libertarian Party of New York
State Convention Minutes
April 13, 2002

Call to Order and Adoption of Agenda:
The Business Meeting of the State Convention of the New York Libertarian
Party was called to order at approximately 9:00 AM by Richard Cooper,
State Chair.  The first order of business was to appoint a secretary for
the convention; Caryn Tarnoff volunteered.  The delegates then discussed
the adoption of the agenda.  Dottie Lou Brokaw moved to drop IRV Voting
procedure from the agenda; the motion passed.  Lloyd Wright moved to
adopt the amended agenda; the motion passed.

Consideration of Bylaws Changes:
The delegates considered and voted on the following proposed bylaws

Motion to delete Paragraph E, Article VIII from the bylaws: PASSED
	"No candidate shall appear on the Libertarian Party line for political
	in New York State who is not a member in good standing of the
Libertarian Party 
	of New York."

Motion to adopt Paragraph E, article VIII: FAILED
	"No candidate shall appear on the Libertarian Party line for any
	office in New York State who is not a member in good standing of the

Motion to amend Section C, article VIII: PASSED
	"All endorsements for public office where the geographic boundaries for
	such office lie wholly within a county or counties in which there is no
	Organization shall be made by the State Committee."

(Prior to the vote on the above motion, Bill MacMillan moved to add the
words, "or the State Convention" to the end of the paragraph.  The Chair
overruled this motion and deemed it out of order.  A vote was held to
overrule the decision of the Chair; this did not pass.)

State Office Nominations:
The following individuals were nominated as candidates for governor: Sam
Sloane, Scott Jeffrey, Jim Harris, Don Silberger, and Mark Romaine.  The
candidates made speeches and took questions from the delegates.  After
the first vote, Blay Tarnoff moved to drop the three candidates who tied
for the lowest number of votes; the motion passed.  Sam Sloane was
dropped due to obtaining zero votes.  In addition, Harris, Silberger,
and Romaine were also dropped.  The vote count at that time was Jeffrey:
22; Silberger: 6; NOTA: 9.  After a second vote, Scott Jeffrey was
elected as the gubernatorial candidate with a total of 26 votes. 
Silberger obtained four votes and seven delegates voted for NOTA.

The following individuals were the sole nominees for the stated offices;
all were elected by the delegates: Jay Greco: Lt. Governor, James
Eisert: State Comptroller, Daniel Conti: Attorney General.

Lee Monnet addressed the delegates.  He expressed the intention to run
as a Libertarian for Congress in the 118th District.  (The official
endorsement was be considered at the end of the business meeting by the
newly elected State Committee.)

State Committee Nominations:
The following individuals were nominated for their stated office.  Vote
totals, when applicable, are listed in parentheses:

State Chair: Albert Dedicke (28); Vincent O'Neill (9)
Vice Chairs: Jak Karako, Vincent O'Neill
Secretary: Bonnie Scott
Treasurer: Bill MacMillan (Doug Greene withdrew from consideration)
At-Large: John Clifton, Jim Lesczynski; Steve Becker, Jim Harris, James
Eisert (The following were not elected: Michael Lurie, Sam Sloan, Dottie
Lou Brokaw (withdrew from consideration))

Committee to Fill Vacancies:
The following individuals were nominated and elected for the Committee
to Fill Vacancies: Dottie Lou Brokaw, Audrey Capozzi, and Jim Harris
(Steve Healey declined the nomination).

National Convention Delegates:
Twenty-three individuals (out of a possible forty-three) were nominated
and elected to serve as delegates to the National Convention.  (The
current secretary, Bonnie Scott, is in possession of the list of
names.)  Bill MacMillan moved to authorize the State Committee (prior to
the convention) or the National Delegates (during the convention) to add
delegates.  The motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted:
Caryn Cohen Tarnoff, Former NYLP State Secretary