Note: This document was found labelled as a rough draft and may not be a completely accurate copy of the 2006 Bylaws of the Denton County Libertarian Party. ARTICLE I: General A. Name: The name of this organization is the "Denton County Libertarian Party" or the “Libertarian Party of Denton County Texas” (LPTX-Denton). B. Purpose: The purpose of these By-laws is to define goals, membership, officer election procedures, officer duties, and to provide guidelines for Precinct, County and District Conventions. C. Address: The official mailing address of LPTX-Denton will be decided by its officers. ARTICLE II: Goals The purpose for which LPTX-Denton is organized is to implement and give voice to the principles embodied in the Statement of the Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTX) by: A. Precincts: Developing Libertarian Party (LP) Precincts in Denton County (the county) so they can hold Precinct Conventions. B. Counties: Holding a LPTX-Denton Convention and, if needed assisting adjacent counties to do the same. C. Districts: Working with adjacent counties to hold District Conventions for those political Districts that overlap into their counties. D. Campaigns: Establishing a campaign headquarters in the county, coordinating and promoting campaigns and entering into political information activities to disseminate Libertarian information. E. Candidates: Nominating and supporting candidates for local, state, and national office so they can be a voice for Libertarian ideas and win elections. F. Texas: Affiliating with the LPTX, and endorsing and working with other organizations that promote liberty. ARTICLE III: Members Requirements for membership of LPTX-Denton shall reflect requirements as defined by LPTX and state law ARTICLE IV: Meetings Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used for matters of procedure not covered by these By-laws. The election for county officials, terms of office, voter eligibility, and convention dates and times are set by the Texas Election Code. A. Deleted by County Convention 13 March 2004 B. Deleted by County Convention 13 March 2004 PAGE 2 C. Deleted by County Convention 13 March 2004 D. Officer Meetings: LPTX-Denton Officer Meetings can be called by the Chair or two officers with a 10 day notice to the other officers. A majority of the Officers have to be present to conduct official business. An Officer who misses three meetings in a row ceases to be an Officer at the beginning of the third meeting, but may be voted back in later. Each officer has one vote, except the Chair shall vote only to resolve a tie. Meetings can also be held by telephone, Internet, or letter, provided no one objects. Officers, with a majority vote, may appoint, title or remove officers and carry out any other business they deem appropriate. All meetings are open to the public. Meetings usually occur monthly with notice published in the LPTX-Denton Newsletter. E. Deleted by County Convention 18 March 2006. ARTICLE V: Officers A. Function: The function of the Officers is to manage the affairs of the LPTX-Denton and implement its goals within the limits of its resources. B. Positions: The elected Officers of LPTX-Denton shall be Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Other Officers. The last Chair, not counting the current serving chair, automatically becomes an Officer (called Past Chair) without an election, unless removed for cause or another qualified former County Chair is selected instead by the Executive Committee. C. Elections: a. Elections of Officers shall occur at the LPTX-Denton County Convention. Convention Delegates will elect officers by majority vote. Their terms will began immediately upon winning the election. Outgoing officers will have one week to turn over LPTX-Denton records to new Officers. b. The Executive Committee may fill any vacancy, including that of county chair, by a simple majority vote. c. In ALL county elections, None of The Above (NOTA) or a functional equivalent will be one of the choices. In no case is there to be an Election without the option of selecting none of the available candidates. Any election where such an option is excluded is void. D. Duties: a. County Chair: Chair shall preside over meetings, oversee all activities of the LPTX-Denton, perform duties necessary to maintain LPTX-Denton legal status as a political party, and perform other duties assigned by LPTX. b. Vice Chair: Vice Chair shall assist the Chair and perform the Chair’s duties in his/her absence. c. Secretary: Secretary shall keep an accurate record (minutes) of the proceedings of all official meetings of the LPTX-Denton, and shall keep those records up to date and in order in a master file. Secretary shall also keep a list of members, especially the official list of Affiliates with dates of the affiliation as required by law and perform other duties assigned by Chair. d. Treasurer: Treasurer, or Treasurer’s designated agent, shall receive, hold, disburse and account for the LPTX-Denton funds under the direction of majority vote of Officers. Treasurer shall keep these records up to date and in order in a master file on a monthly basis and perform other duties assigned by Chair. Checks can be signed by the Treasurer or Chair, in the event the Treasurer is not available, to pay necessary bills. e. Past Chair: The Past Chair shall attend meetings, advise the chair and committee, and help to preserve the continuity of the county party. The Past Chair must be the immediate former County Chair or someone who has held the position of County Chair within the preceeding three years. f. Other Officers: There can be as many Other Officers as there are tasks that need to be done and people willing to do them. But the title of the position, like “Newsletter Editor” or “Candidate Coordinator” or “Communications Director”, has to be stated along with their duties before voting can take place. ARTICLE VI: Committees (added by County Convention 13 March 2004). A. The Executive Committee may establish such committees as it deems appropriate to assist it in carrying out its non-statutory duties and may appoint to such committees persons who are not members of the County Executive Committee. B. No action of a subcommittee of or of any standing committee created by the County Executive Committee shall replace or supersede the actions or authority of the County Executive Committee at its subsequent meetings. ARTICLE VII: Removal (added by County Convention 18 March 2004) Any member of the Executive Committee may be stripped of all offices, including County Chair, for non-attendance as described in Article IV (Meetings). Any committee member, including County Chair, may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote. Any commitee member who no longer holds any office is automatically removed from the committee. A committee member who holds multiple offices may remain on the committee so long as at that committee member still holds an office from which one has not been relieved. ARTICLE VIII: (added by County Convention 18 March 2004) A. If any portion of these Bylaws are held to be invalid or void by court or action of LPTX, the remaining portions shall remain in effect.