Document:National Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, and Convention Rules 1972

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Adopted in Convention

June 1972

Denver, Colorado




NOTE: This is a historical version of a
document which may have a more
current version. You may want to
refer to this list of versions
if you are interested in more
recent information.


a non-profit corporation



-The name of the corporation shall be the "Libertarian Party," hereinafter referred to as the "Party.



-The duration of the Party shall be perpetual.



-The purpose for which the Party is organized is to implement and give voice to the principles embodied in the Statement of Principles by:

a. Nominating candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States and supporting candidates for political office.

b. Promoting, chartering and coordinating affiliate parties throughout the United States.

c. Entering into political information activities.



Section 1. The officers of the Party shall be a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. All of these officers shall be elected at a Regular Convention of the Party by the attending Party members or delegates and shall take office immediately upon the close of such convention and serve thereafter until the final adjournment of the next Regular Convention.

Section 2. No offices shall be combined.

Section 3. The current officers pro tem shall perform all prescribed duties until the elected officers take office.

Section 4. The officers shall be full voting members of the Executive Committee.

Section 5. The Chairman shall preside at all conventions and at all meetings of the Executive Committee. He shall be the chief executive officer of the Party.

Section 6. The Vice-Chairman shall act as Assistant to the Chairman,and shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the event the Chairman is, for any reason, unable to perform the duties of his office.

Section 7. The Secretary shall be the recording officer of the Party, and shall provide or make provision for legal services to the Party.

Section 8. The Treasurer shall receive, expend, and account for the funds of the Party under the supervision and direction of the Chairman and Executive Committee.

Section 9. Except as otherwise provided herein, the officers of the Party shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed in the by-laws.

Section 10. An officer may be suspended, that is, denied the authority to perform his specific functions, by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee . The office of a suspended officer shall be declared vacant unless the suspended officer appeals his suspension to the Judiciary Committee within three days of suspension. The Executive Committee shall appoint new officers if vacancies or suspensions occur, such officers to complete the term of the office vacated, or the time during which the suspension is in effect, as applicable.



Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Party shall be composed of the following:

a. The four elected officers of the Party;

b, Four members elected at large by all the delegates at the Regular Convention; and

c . One member from each Regional Division, and one additional member from each Regional Division containing at fifteen per cent of the Party's and all affiliate parties' members. Said Executive Committee members shall be elected by the attending members at the 1972 Regular Convention or delegates from the respective Regional Divisions at all subsequent Regular Conventions.

d . The aforementioned Regional Divisions shall be:

Region 1 (West) -California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska;

Region 2 (West Central) -Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas;

Region 3 (Southwest) -Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana;

Region 4 ( Central) -Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri;

Region 5 (East Central ) -Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky;

Region 6 (Southeast) -Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi;

Region 7 (Mid-Atlantic) -Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia;

Region 8 (Northeast) -New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall take office immediately upon the close of the Regular Convention and serve thereafter until the adjournment of the next Regular Convent ion,

Section 3. The current Executive Committee pro tem shall perform all prescribed duties until the elected members take office.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have the control and management of all the affairs, properties, and funds of the Party consistent with this Constitution.

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall meet in the manner, time, and places prescribed in the By-Laws,



Section 1. The Party shall hold a convention every year, beginning in June, 1972, at the time and place selected by the Executive Committee. Regular Conventions, however, shall be held only in even ­numbered years, beginning in June, 1972, and all such business and Party affairs required herein to be performed at Regular Conventions shall be performed at the Regular Conventions only.

Section 2. The first Regular Convention, in June, 1972, and all subsequent non-regular conventions may be attended by all members of the Party and all affiliate party members who wish to attend and, registering, shall be delegates.

Section 3. Beginning in 1974, and all subsequent Regular Conventions, each state and the District of Columbia shall be entitled to send delegates to the convention according to the following criteria:

a. Every st ate and the District of Columbia shall have at least two delegates together with two alternates.

b, Each state and the District of Columbia shall have one additional delegate for each one percent of the total membership of the Party and all affiliate parties as determined by the Executive Committee six months prior to the Regular Convention.

c. In addition to the foregoing, each Party member or affiliated party member elected to public office, each chairman of an affiliated party, each member of the Party's Executive Committee, and each of the Party's elected officers shall be a delegate from his respective state or the District of Columbia.

d. The delegates in subsections a & b shall be selected by the affiliate parties in such manner as the affiliate parties may provide. For those states in which there is no affiliate party, delegates shall be elected at a meeting of the Party members called and presided over within that state by the Regional executive committee member, specifically for that purpose, and providing for a minimum of thirty days notice. e. Any Party member or affiliate party member shall be entitled to attend any Regular Convention as an observer.



-There shall be a Platform Committee, and a Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules Committee for each Regular Convention. There shall be a standing Judicial Committee.

Section 1. The Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules Committee shall consist of ten delegates appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Platform Committee shall consist of twenty delegates to be selected as follows: Four delegates will be appointed by the Executive Committee; two delegates from each regional division will be elected by a regional caucus at least sixty days prior to a Regular Convention. The chairman of each of the above committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Judicial Committee shall be appointed by and exclusive of the Executive Committee for the same term as the Executive Committee and shall be composed of nine members; any five members shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1. The Party shall adopt a platform at its first Regular Convention, in June, 1972. Said Platform shall include, but not be limited to, a Statement of Principles and the implementation of the principles contained in the Statement in the form of Planks.

Section 2. The Statement of Principles of the Platform affirms that Philosophy upon which the Libertarian Party is founded, by which it shall be sustained, and through which Liberty shall prevail.

The enduring importance of the Statement of Principles requires that it shall not be amended by a vote of less than seven-eighths of the delegates at a Regular Convention, except that, at the 1974 Regular Convention only, this Statement of Principles may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the delegates.

Section 3. The Platform, other than the Statement of Principles, shall be adopted on a plank-by-plank basis by the Party members and affiliate party members in attendance at the first Regular Convention. Each plank must receive approval by a vote of two-thirds of the voting members for inclusion in the Platform.

Section 4. Beginning with the Regular Convention of 1974, and at each Regular Convention thereafter, the Platform, other than the Statement of Principles, may be amended by deletion, substitution, or addition of any plank. A Plank may be deleted by a simple majority vote of the Convention delegates. The substitution of a new plank for an old plank, or the addition of a new plank, shall require approval by a vote of two-thirds of the delegates.



Section 1. Nominations of candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States may be made only at the Regular Convention of the Party held in the Presidential election year.

Section 2. No candidate may be nominated who is ineligible to serve as President under the United States Constitution, or who has not expressed a willingness to accept the nomination of the Party.

Section 3. Nominations shall be made from the Convention floor by the members at the 1972 Regular Convention. At all subsequent Regular Conventions, nominations shall be made from the Convention floor by the delegates. All balloting shall be done by roll-call vote of the states and District of Columbia by alphabetical order.

Section 4. The Party's nominee for President of the United States shall be chosen by majority vote of the members (at the 1972 Convention only) or delegates in attendance at the time of the balloting, If after two ballots no candidate has attained a majority vote, all nominees who have received less than ten percent of the total vote shall be struck from subsequent ballots. If after four ballots no candidate has attained a majority vote, the candidate with the least votes shall be struck from subsequent ballots, this procedure to be repeated after each even numbered ballot in which no candidate has received a majority vote until one candidate attains a majority.

Section 5. The Party's nominee for Vice-President shall be chosen by the same procedure as for the Presidential nominee, except that the Presidential nominee shall have the power to veto any candidate for Vice-President with whom he does not wish to run.



Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Party shall charter affiliate parties from those organizations requesting such status in each state and the District of Columbia. No organization shall be so chartered which does not ratify the Statement of Principles of the Party. No affiliate party shall endorse a candidate for President of Vice-President of the United States other than those elected to candidacy at a Regular' Convention of the Party. The autonomy of the affiliate parties shall not be abridged by the Executive Committee or other committee of the Party except as provided herein.

Section 2. Suspension of Affiliate Parties: The Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend affiliate party status from any organization by a two-thirds vote of the Committee. Such notification of suspension is subject to written appeal within thirty days of notification of suspension. Failure to appeal shall be interpreted as an act of accession by the affiliate party. The Executive Committee shall not suspend any affiliate party within a period of six months prior to a Regular Convention.

Section 3. Appeal -- Upon appeal by the affiliate party, tho Judicial Committee shall set a date for a hearing between twenty and forty days from receipt of the appeal. This hearing shall be adjudicated by a quorum of the Judicial Committee with representatives from the Executive Committee acting for the interests of the Party, and those members of the affiliate party as selected by that party acting in its defense. The Judicial Committee shall rule to either revoke the charter of the affiliate party or to reinstate the charter, with all rights and privileges pertaining thereto, no later than ninety days prior to a Regular Convention. Should the Judicial Committee fail to rule, the affiliate party's charter shall be reinstated with all rights and privileges pertaining thereto.



-There shall be two classes of membership for the purposes outlined in this Constitution.

Section 1. National Members shall be those persons whose national dues are current.

Section 2. Affiliated Members shall be those persons whose affiliate dues are current.



In addition to the responsibilities set forth in Articles IV arid X, the Judicial Committee shall be responsible for the following:

Section 1. Disciplinary actions against any Party member shall be in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order except as otherwise provided herein by the Party Constitution.

Section 2. Challenges of adopted Party planks believed by a delegate to be in conflict with the Statement of Principles shall be referred in writing, during the Regular Convention, to the Judicial Committee by the delegate{s) requesting action for consideration. The challenge shall specify in what manner the plank is believed to conflict. The Judicial Committee shall consider the challenge, decide whether the plank in question conforms to the Statement of Principles, and make a report stating the justification for their decision to the floor of the convention. If the plank is vetoed by the Judicial Committee, it will be declared null and void, but can be reinstated in the platform by a three-fourths vote of the Regular Convention.



Section 1. The By-Laws of the Party shall be approved by majority vote of the members in attendance at the first Regular Convention. Upon such approval, the Executive Committee shall officially adopt and promulgate the By-Laws in accordance with applicable law, Section 2. The By-Laws of the Party may be amended by a majority vote of the delegates at any subsequent Regular Convention of the Party, or by a vote of three-fourths of the Executive Committee at any other time.



The conventions of the Party shall be governed by the Rules and By­-Laws of the 1972 Convention unless otherwise amended at subsequent Regular Conventions.



Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a vote of a majority of the members in attendance at the first Regular Convention, and thereafter by a two-thirds vote of the delegates at any subsequent Regular Convention.

Section 2. Article VIII, Section 2, shall not be amended by a vote of less than seven-eighths of the delegates at a Regular Convention (after 1972).



Section 1. Organizations which wish to become Affiliate Parties with the Libertarian Party shall apply for official designation on a standard petition form, as adopted by the Executive Committee, which petition shall be signed by not less than 10[1] members of the organization residing within the appropriate state.

Section 2. There shell be no more than one Affiliated Party in any one state or the District of Columbia, and the Affiliated Party shall determine who shall be the delegates from its respective state to all Regular Conventions.


Section 1. The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Party, holding the full powers and duties accorded the office by the Constitution.

Section 2. The Vice-Chairman shall be the chief assistant to the Chairman, performing such duties as the Chairman shall prescribe, and holding such executive powers as the Chairman shall delegate.

Section 3. The Secretary shall assist the Chairman and the Executive Committee in conducting the business of the Party and shall perform such duties as are assigned to him by the Chairman or the Executive Committee. He shall attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and all Party Conventions, and shall act as Secretary thereof, keeping such minutes end records as are necessary. He shall make an annual report to the Executive Committee, which report shall contain all information required by the Executive Committee. He shall perform or make provision for the performance of any legal assistance the Party may require.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the Party, and shall deposit the same in such bank or banks shall have been designated by the Executive Committee, and shall disburse said monies upon order of the Executive Committee. He shall make an annual financial report to the Executive Committee. He shall perform all duties required of his office by applicable federal and state law.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall have such powers and duties as are proscribed in the Constitution.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet at such times and places as may be determined by action of the Committee, by call of the Chairman, or by the written request of one-third or more of the members of the Executive Committee, A written notice of the time and place of all meetings shall be mailed to each member of the Executive Committee not less than thirty days prior to said meeting.

Section 3. The Executive Committee may without meeting together, transact business by mail, by voting on questions submitted to them by or with the approval of the Chairman. Fifteen days shall be allowed for the return of the votes thereon by mail to the Party Secretary during the period between a Regular Convention and the next general election, and thirty days shall be allowed at all other times.

If, at the expiration of the applicable period, the majority of the Executive Committee have not returned their votes, the measure being voted upon shall be deemed to have failed; in all other cases, a majority of the votes returned shall carry the measure except where a higher vote is required by the Constitution.

The Secretary must preserve all such votes until the next meeting of the Executive Committee, at which meeting the Executive Committee shall order the disposition of such votes.

Section 4. More than one-half of the membership thereof shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee for the transaction of all business, except where a larger vote is required by the Constitution.

Section 5. Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, a majority vote of those present at a meeting shall rule.


Section 1. Except as provided herein and in the Constitution, procedure at the Conventions of the Party shall be in accordance with the Rules promulgated and adopted by a majority of the members or delegates in attendance at each convention.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have supervision and management of all Conventions and shall fix the official program and order of business.

Section 3. The officers of each Convention shall be the officers of the Party.

Section 4. Prior to each duly called Regular Convention, the Secretary or equivalent officer of the Affiliated Party in each state and the District of Columbia shall certify the delegates and alternate delegates selected at least twenty days prior to the Convention to the Party Secretary and shall proffer such proof as the Executive Committee shall require that the selection of said delegates and alternate delegates was made in compliance with the Constitution of the Party.

Section 5. Except as otherwise provided herein and in the Constitution, a majority shall rule in all voting at the Convention.


Section 1. The Chairman of the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules Committee and of the Platform Committee shall be the presiding officer in his respective Committee.

Section 2. A majority vote of those of the committee members present is necessary for a "do-pass" recommendation, and, in the case of the Platform Committee, a majority must approve each specific plank separately.

section 3. The Committees shall report their recommendations to the floor of the Convention in accordance with the Party Rules.

Section 4. Four or more members of the Platform Committee may join together to issue a minority report regarding any plank to the floor of the Convention. Two or more members of the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules Committee may join together to issue a minority report regarding the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules.

Section 5. A member must be present in Committee to vote .

Section 6. More than 1/2 of the membership of each committee shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1. The fiscal term of the Party shall begin on the first day following the adjournment of each convention.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall cause an efficient double entry system of accounts to be installed and maintained.

Section 3. All disbursements exceeding $20 shall be made solely by check.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have the power to designate the depository of all funds of t he Party, and shall appoint such officers and employees as in its judgment may seem advisable to deposit and withdraw funds from said depository.


Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules of the Party.


Fees for membership in the Party as applicable shall be set by the Executive Committee and amended from time to time as the Executive Committee deems necessary.


Amendments to the By-Laws shall be in accordance with the Constitution.


(1972 Convention Rules, modified to assure conformity with the Constitution and By-Laws.)


All delegates shall be eligible to vote on all matters. In order to vote on a given matter, a delegate must be present on the floor at the time the vote is taken. Each delegate present shall have one vote .


On all matters except the election of Party officers and the Executive Committee, and the nomination of Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, voting will be on a voice-vote basis. If ten or more people object to the Chairman's ruling on the outcome of a voice-vote, a roll-call vote will be held.

Voting on elections and nominations will be by roll-call, unless a race is uncontested, in which case a voice-vote will be used.


In cases where a roll-call vote is required, polling shall be by State. The Secretary will ask for the vote from each state in alphabetical order, and a spokesman for each state shall report the vote for his state. Convention seating will be by state and each state's delegates should select someone to act as spokesman for their state . If someone challenges the vote reported by any state's spokesman, the Secretary shall poll the participants from that state individually.


The votes required for passage of amendments to the Rules, Constitution, By-Laws and Statement of Principles and for adoption of Platform planks shall be as specified in the Constitution. All other matters shall be by majority vote unless otherwise specified herein.


The Chairman of the Rules, Constitution & By-Laws Committee shall report the Committee's recommendations to the floor. The Convention Chairman shall open the report for discussion. Any delegate may propose an amendment, or series of amendments, said amendment(s} to be presented in the form of a motion to add, delete, or alter any portion of the report. Each proposed amendment shall be debated and voted upon separately, with a maximum of ten minutes discussion on any one amendment . A simple majority shall suffice to pass any proposed amendment.

When all proposed amendments have been considered, the delegates shall then vote to accept or reject the Committee's report, as amended. A simple majority shall suffice to adopt the Report .

At any time during the debate on a given amendment, any delegate may move to close debate on that amendment . This move is not debatable, and requires a two-thirds vote to pass. If it passes, the Convention shall proceed immediately to vote on the amendment at hand. Similarly, any delegate may move at any time to close debate on the Report itself, and a vote on this motion shall be taken immediately, with two-thirds required to pass. On procedural votes, such as cloture, the ruling of the Chair shall be final.


At the 1972 Convention, a National Platform shall be adopted. In order to be included in this Platform, any proposed plank must be approved by two-thirds of the delegates present and voting.

This National Platform shall serve as the basis of all future National Platforms. At the Party's Regular Conventions, beginning in 1974, the existing National Platform may be amended. Any proposed addition to the existing Platform must be approved by two-thirds of the delegates present and voting, in order to be accepted. Any portion of the existing Platform may be deleted by a simple majority of the delegates present and voting.

The Platform Committee shall meet to consider proposed amendments, prior to the Convention, and shall issue a report to the Convention. Its recommendations shall be reported to the floor on a plank-by-plank basis, and shall be debated and voted upon separately, in the following order:

A) Those recommendations receiving a unanimously favorable vote in Committee.

B) Those recommendations receiving a vote that is unanimously favorable except for abstentions.

C) Those recommendations receiving a favorable vote from a majority of the Platform Committee, regarding which there is no Minority Report. (A Minority Report shall be defined as a report submitted to the Convention Chairman and the Platform Committee Chairman in writing, by four or more members of the Platform Committee.)

D) Those recommendations receiving a favorable vote from the majority, but with a Minority Report attached.

Recommendations falling into the first three categories shall be debated and voted upon in the following manner:

1. The Platform Committee Chairman, or some other person designated by him, shall read the proposed recommendation, and shall have up to two minutes to give the Committees thinking in formulating the recommendation.

2. The Convention Chairman shall then open the recommendation to discussion, for a period of 15 minutes. Amendments may be proposed from the floor, one at a time. The delegates shall vote on proposed amendments, with a simple majority sufficient to amend. At the end of 15 minutes, a vote will be taken on whether to bring the recommendation (as amended, if this is the case) to a final vote for acceptance or rejection. If a majority vote in favor of immediate consideration, the vote to accept or reject the recommendation will follow immediately. If a majority vote against immediate consideration, the proposed recommendation shall be tabled for later consideration, after all other recommendations receiving a favorable vote from a majority of the Platform Committee have been considered.

3. When all recommendations in the first three categories described above have received at least initial consideration, those in the fourth category shall be considered, in the following manner:

Spokesmen for both the Majority and Minority positions shall each have two minutes to present their views. The Chairman shall then open consideration of both positions for 5 minutes, during which time any delegate may express his views, but without offering amendments to either Majority or Minority Report. After 5 minutes, there will be a vote on which of the two Reports shall be considered for purposes of adopting a recommendation. The Report receiving the greater number of votes shall then be discussed and voted upon in the manner described in Sections land 2 above.

4 . After all recommendations receiving a favorable vote from a majority of the members of the Platform Committee have received at least initial consideration, any delegate may propose any Platform change, from the floor. He may take up to 2 minutes to state and explain his proposal,with debating and voting procedure to be as outlined in paragraph 2 above .

5. Finally, if time permits, proposals which were considered by the Platform Committee, but which received an unfavorable vote from a majority of the Committee members, maybe considered, with a spokesman for the minority position giving the reasons in favor, and the Platform Committee Chairman or some other representative of the majority position, giving the reasons why it was voted down, before the proposal is taken to the floor for debate and voting.

6. At any time during the discussion on any plank, any delegate may move to close debate on the plank or amendment under discussion; a two-thirds vote is required to close debate, and the ruling of the Chair on cloture votes is final.


Nominations for the four national Party Offices shall be from the floor, with any delegate eligible to run for any office. For each office, a majority vote will be necessary and sufficient for election; in cases where no candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, runoff votes will be held, dropping the lowest-running candidate after each ballot.

Nominations for the four at-large Executive Committee positions shall also be from the floor, with all delegates eligible for nomination. Each delegate shall cast four votes in electing the four Executive Committee at large members, but may not cast more than one vote for any nominee. The four nominees receiving the highest vote totals shall be elected providing each received votes from a majority of those present and voting. If less than four people are elected on the first ballot the unfilled positions shall be voted on again, with only those people who received votes from at least 25% of the delegates eligible to receive votes on the second ballot. If the remaining positions are unfilled at the end of the second ballot, subsequent ballots shall be held, following the same procedure.

The Executive Committee members from each of the eight Regions shall be elected by the delegates from that Region provided there are at least five such delegates present, in caucus, after the election of the four officers and the four Executive Committee members at large. If a Region is represented by less than five delegates, the incumbent Regional Representative will remain in office until a new Regional representative is elected at a Regional caucus to be held within ninety days of the last day of the Regular Convention. The incumbent Representative shall call said caucus and preside over it. Each Region's delegates may elect their representative by whatever manner they choose, provided all delegates present from that Region are given an equal voice in the selection.


The Libertarian Party's Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees shall be chosen according to he procedure described in Article IX of the Constitution.


  1. See PDF for how the 10 is struck out.